Focus on me

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2 weeks later...

Jimin's pov:

its been 2 hateful weeks,I can't anymore with him!What is he doing to me?Why is he like this?does he hate me?WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!

Yoongi has been really distant from me I dont know why but he does.He acts normal to EVERYONE ELSE!I don't get it did i do something to upset him?

Thats not all that made me miserable these days,the new bitch is really bugging me,i might explode now.

Yoongi is now in his office working his fucking butt off,I never see him in our bed anymore I really miss his cuddles,kisses and his little cute gummy slime.Now he would scream in his office and frown everytime i see him.

My 2 weeks havent been ruined really since I opened up a dance academy with hobi and i quit my modelling career to actually do something I am passionate about.

I heard Yoongi screaming again and i couldnt handle it anymore I stomped into his office."STOP FUCKING SCREAMING!!!WHY ARE YOU SO DISTANT WITH ME!?!AND WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS IN YOUR UGLY ASS OFFICE"I shouted at him in rage."GET OUT JIMIN!"He shouted back at me which took me by surprise and making my heart shatter in millions of pieces.

Yoongi's pov:

i soon regretted shouting at him once i saw his expression."Jiminie..I'm sorry"I apoligized softly."NO YOU AREN'T YOU NEVER SPEND TIME WITH ME I DONT KNOW IF I SHOULD TRUST YOU ANYMORE!"He shouted once more making me surprised."I-I miss your cuddles and kisses and I have n-nightmares of y-you l-leaving me Yoongi.."He whispered while crying."chimmy..come here my poor baby"I said patting my lap with a little tear in my eye.He sat down on my lap and wrapped my hands on his waist.

"babe you need to trust me,I've been busy cause of how i've been lacking my work .I promise I will spend time with you okay?"I said softly smiling to make him feel better.He smiled and nodded."I'm going to cook some chicken for us and Laur Laur!"He said with a cute smile making me laugh.He skipped like a girl to the kitchen cutely.Honestly he is my ray of sunshine.

You wanna know why im been distant to Jimin?

well you see my stalker has been ACTUALLY TALKING TO JIMIN!I DONT KNOW HOW and I think Jimin has no clue and i've been under stress with work and that bitch.

Its almost Jimin's graduation day and I want to make him feel happy before the graduation day.But really I haven't.

From now my number one quest is to focus on Jimin.


HELO HELO sorry I havent uploaded in SOOOOOOOOOOO long I really have been lacking and its the holidays and i really have been just sleeping.I'll upload when i want to so yeah.



Ashley out mannnn

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