Shes inlove with him too

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A few days later...

Jimin's pov:
After the I realised I was in love with Yoongi, my mind has been Yoongi Yoongi Yoongi,ugh I can't get him out of my mind. His beautiful soft lips, his fluffy hair, his gummy smile, ugh I just want to kiss him and stay by his side forever.

As I thought of him I bit my lips, just thinking of him makes me happy.soon my thoughts were snapped to reality by my girl screaming at me."sorry hee-young what was it?"I smiled at her." Daddy there's someone at the door"Hee-young shouted.i rushed to the door and opened the door quickly. by the door was a similar handsome man holding a cute boy."Yoongi! It's good to see you!"my smile widen."its good to see you to!"Yoongi said with his famous gummy smile, my heart fluttered by his cute smile."come in!"I welcomed him in the house."Jihoonn!!"Hee-young screamed as soon as she saw Jihoon, once Yoongi put jihoon down Hee-young and Hae hugged him tightly.Me and Yoongi laughed at how cute they were. The girls led him to their play room, as me and Yoongi sat down on the sofa we heard a voice calling my name."jimin" I turned around to see Seulgi smiling at us."hey Seulgi join us!"I said with a fake smile.i honestly don't like her anymore,I saw her flirting with some guy when I came to pick her up from work and I love Yoongi soo. as Seulgi sat down I can see Yoongi tenses I looked at him with a worried look he soon realised I was looking at him and he just smiled as if he wasn't angry or upset over something.

Me Yoongi and Seulgi just casually talked to each other for the past hour, I was enjoying the presence of Yoongi he made me safe and happy like he did before.i realised I needed to go to the toilet so I went upstairs for a toilet break.

As I went out and quietly went downstairs since the kids were sleeping I heard Seulgi and Yoongi talking, I stopped at the last step and sat on it to hear what they were saying."Jimin as been in the toilet for a long time I should go check on him"Yoongi said with worry in his voice."stop!i think he is fine you know,come and talk to me more I wanna get to know you more"Seulgi said,I was a bit suspicious so I didn't move and just kept listening."We should collab just me and you we should have a love song and a choreography to go with it"Seulgi suggested happily."I dont think Jimin would like that"Yoongi replied."it will be fine he won't know plus I think I like you better than him."Seulgi said."you guys are engaged and I like someone else"Yoongi said."I honestly don't give a damn if I'm engaged to that loser and you like someone else."Seulgi said.i peaked to see what they were doing and I saw Seulgi leaning in to kiss him,their lips touched but instantly Yoongi slapped her face."Dont kiss or touch me ever again"Yoongi said."by the way I like Jimin not you whore"

564 words

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