The reveal

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~it's so strange autumm is so beautiful yet everything is dying~-unknown

~the next day~

Jimin's pov:
Ever since Yoongi told me everything, I became more spaced out and would often start having visions that stop at a certain time everytime i have them.Right now I haven't posted in so long and all my fans are really worrying about me.

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Sorry guys I haven't been posting😓I needed to spend time with my homies,my little baby and my man.And no i'm not dead don't worry.

jiminiepabo:OMG SOO CUTEE!!!
Smutislife:what does he mean by my little baby?OMG IS HE PREGNANT?!?OMG I KNEW IT ALL ALONG ITS A GIRL FOR SURE!!!

Kookiestealyoboy:@smutislife he meant by his i wish he was to be honest 😂WAIT NO!I don't want anymore mean yoongis :(

"Babe are you ready for school"Suga shouted sounding quite fustrated."Sorry Yoongi hyungg"i said while going in the car."I told you not to call me that call me baby or something"Yoongi said."why are you so worked up for?"I asked trying not to make him more angry."I'm not, it's just you're taking so long"He said whiningly making me giggle."sorry Yoongiii~~"I said with a smile.

~at school~

I got out of the car and blowed a kiss to Yoongi after."Ride safely  babyyyy~~"I said cheerfully making Yoongi laugh."I will byeee love you Jiminiee"He said before taking off.After I walked to my friends."Hiii~~ guyss!!"I said happily making everyone smile."heyy my favorite Jiminn"Hobi said happily."I heard we got a new girl today"Jungkook said instantly."Why do you care?"Taehyung said irritated."TaeTae I said I was sorryy"Jungkook said trying to act cute.Tae just folded his arms not looking at Kookie."Did they fight again?"I asked worriedly."Unfortunately yes, this time Kookie broke Tae's ps4 controller."Hobi said while shaking his head in disappointment."let's just go to class."I said.

~English class~

"Hello guys today we have a new student.her name is kacey!and she came from Canada!"Our English teacher said.A girl Entered,she was pretty,she had ginger hair with sparkly hazel eyes."hello I'm Kacey"She said while bowing formally."Kacey go sit next to Jimin the one with blonde hair."The teacher said while pointing at me.Kacey gave me a stare like she somehow knew me.For some reason I can't trust her.For some reason I can't trust her.Kacey sat next to me and smile innocently."Im a fan of you Jimin"she said giving me a cute smile.I just gave a weak smile."lets me friends"she said with another smile.I can't trust this girl.



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