i hate gays.

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Yoongi's pov:
Me and Jiminie have just been hanging out with each other.

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Back in track with My Jiminie 😘

King.tae:we are coming down there you two😋
Addythehoe:lick lick
Chimchim:@addthehoe wot😳

Me and jimin both laughed at the comment Addy put and kissed each other.We heard all of them come.they all smiled at us and we smiled back."YAY MY SHIP HAS COME TRUEE!!"Jungkook shouted happily."not really"Jimin pointed out."we Haven't asked each other."He said once more.i just smirked and kissed him passionately.we heard the door open but we just carried on.We heard a woman voice screech."PARK JIMIN!!WHAT IS THIS!!?"A woman  shouted at Jimin angrily.Jimin gulped has he realised me from his grip."JIMIN THIS IS DISGUSTING!!"she shouted once more.what fuck is her goddamm problem."MUM DAD WHY ARE YOU HERE?!?"Laura shouted back."we came here early because we miss you.if you love us kick these people out now."the man who is Jimin's dad said strictly."but leave thjs weird hair boy here"he said while pointing at me.everyone left awkwardly."It's rude to point at someone like that sir"I said imitating him."YOONGI SHUT UP!"Laura shouted while slapping me."Jimin who is this?"His mum said calmly but madly."my best friend ma"Jimin whispered with a sad tone."YOU'RE GAY?!?OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?!?"His mum shouted.she tries to be scary but it didn't really effect me."What's wrong with being gay?"I said angrily."it's disgusting."She said without hesitation."we wish all gays are don't exist"Jimin's dad said disappointed."so are you saying you want your Child to disappear?thats disgusting"I said with disgust."get out!i hate gays"The man shouted.i just rolled my eyes and looked at Mochi who looks like he was about to cry.i just squeezed his Cheek and smiled."don't worry baby I will come back for you"I whispered."don't touch my son"his father said."I don't think he is your son since you don't appreciate him being gay."
I find it funny how Jimin's parents are getting triggered by Yoongi.


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