Keep it a secret 🤫

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Yoongi's pov:

It's been 4 months since the stalker incident.I have been living my life the way I wanted it to be.I'm still keeping that incident a secret, the only person I told was my best friend Hobi he was pretty mad since he loved me and Jimin together.

At first I acted really strangely and Jimin started getting suspicious I made lies like "I'm sick" or "I was tired cause of work".I get guilty making these stupid ass lies to my precious baby.But I have to do what's right.

Jimin right now is asleep in our bedroom and I'm watching some k-dramas.Jimin was watching k-dramas but he fell asleep so I tucked him to bed.

While I was watching Hwarang I heard the doorbell ring,so I got up and went to the door.I opened it I saw....

The stalker.I gasped at disbelief.I quickly shut the door but she put her foot down to stop the door from closing."I don't think you should be here"I said scared."please let me in.I don't mean any harm!"she desperately said."how can I trust you after what you have done!?"I yelled."I'm pregnant and it's your baby"she said.

I took a step back and had one of those faces when you just found out you are going to be a dad but You don't want to.she came closer and cried."I'm sorry I'm so so so sorry Yoongi"She sobbed.I gave her a hug.she may have done such bad things but she is human.we all make mistakes.even though I'm going to become a father at least she realised her mistake and apologies."it's okay"I said softly."I don't like you anymore I know I can't be with you because you love Jimin"she said."no I don't love him"I said."because I'm inlove with him and I can't deserve such guy with the most beautiful loving heart".

Few minutes later....
She told me everything about her mother finding out and leaving her abandoned.She didn't want to face me so she went to hoseok.she likes hoseok now since he helped so much.I still can't believe hobi didn't tell me!and I'm going to a father!."how am I going to tell Jimin?"I said while rubbing my face."tell him yoongi it's the best choice"Kacey suggested."I can't"I admitted."Yes you can pabo!"she said while slapping me gently."he is the most understanding person I know.""well...where are you going to stay?"I asked her."hobi can't take care of me since he is going to the U.S.A so I kinda wanted your help so that's why I came here"She said truthfully."you can stay here"I said straight away."h-how?"She stuttered."you can stay in the attic it's clean not dusty!"I said with a smile."you must be quiet though remember we are keeping a secret!"."I still can believe you aren't going to Jimin"She said folding her arms."not until the baby is born"I said."Yoongi I have something to tell you"She said shyly."I can't t-take c-care of the baby".my eyes widened."what?!"I yelled."My mum said if I don't have the baby anymore then she can take me back and plus I hate children"She explained."how about me!?"I yelled once more." knew since we were kids.and you know my mums respect is all something I want forever."she said calmly."I have a BOYFRIEND who doesn't know anything about this!"I raised my voice.""Yoongi please"she begged."fine only because you are my friend and you are pregnant"I said.

Yay another chapter!!!!!
Who knows the boyz? They are so cuteeee
My bias is new!who is yours?

Ashley out mannn

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