He found out

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6 month later:

Yoongi's pov:
On November 22,my son has been born.His name is Woozi and is the cutest baby I've seen.He looks a lot like me and doesn't look like Kacey at all.

I still haven't told Jimin and he has been stressing me out.Woozi has been a quiet newborn which was good so he didn't make any sounds.

Kacey still lives in the attic but is planning to move with Hobi since they started dating after Woozi has been born.As you know Kacey is planning on leaving Woozi with me which means I have to change diapers bottle feed and tell Jimin....

I was watching I'm not a robot(a/n:It's a really good Kdrama I recommend) until Jimin switched off the tv.I looked at him and he gave an angry expression."what?"I asked confused."shut up you know what I'm mad about!"he screamed in my ear.My eyes widened in realisation."shit Jimin I'm sorry!I fucking forgot to turn the oven off"I realised.His eyes widened."NOT THAT!"He yelled.ive never seen Jimin like this."then what?"I asked.He pointed at a basket.It was Woozi inside.SHIT."ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!"I tried to explain."oh yeah I also sent your side bitch home.Its over YOONGI!I CANT BELIEVE YOU WOULD FUCKING CHEAT ON ME!AM I REALLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!?FINE IM LEAVING DONT EVEN LOOK AT ME YOU SLUT!"He screamed storming off the house.I felt tears streaming on my face.I really don't deserve you Jimin....

Woozi started crying.shit Jimin would know how to handle this I thought."Woozi stop crying my baby"i said while picking him up.as soon as that he stopped crying."good boy you made daddy feel better..only if Jimin would see this.."I whispered.

I quit that Instagram thing cause it's effort

Ashley out mannn

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