A date?

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~After school~

Jimin's pov:
I was waiting for Tae since he asked in maths if he can walk with me,I agreed him to walk with me since 1.I have no company 2.he is my best friend 3.he lives in front of me.A I was waiting for tae I spotted Jungkook walking with...Laura?i heard them giggling and talking,Jungkook spotted me staring at them and he waved while smiling and he carried on walking with MY sister.

As they faded away I saw Tae angrily stomping towards me I was so jungshook of how angry he was.As he was next to me he grabbed my hand and walked."Tae what's wrong?"I asked worriedly while I slipped my hand off his."I don't like kookie right?"He angrily questioned."I dunno man,it's up to you how to live"I replied."YOU WANNA KNOW WHY I'M MAD?!"he shouted angrily."yes"I replied without hesitating."I spotted Jungkook hugging Laura!"He shouted once more."well he probably was hugging My sister because she was crying..."I whispered.He stopped being angry and sighed."sorry I shouted at you hyung..."he whispered with a sigh."if you like kookie that much go get him"I said with hope."it isn't that easy since he is my best friend"he said with another sad sigh.I couldn't tell him I saw jungkook walking with Laura or else he will go to hulk mode once again."let's change the subject!"I said joyfully so I can make tae a bit happy."Are you free today?"Tae asked quickly."well at 6 I have to go to a photo shoot but I'm free before that"I explained."can I come over then?and can the others too?not jungkook though I mad at him."he said whispering the last part.i just nodded.

~15 Minutes later~
As I got to the house I got my keys and put them in the hole to get in.I opened the door,I heard laughter in the living room.Me and tae went to the living room and saw Laura and jungkook talking to each other.Laura looked at us a frowned while kookie was happy to see us.I smiled at them awkwardly while Tae was shooting death glares at them."hey hyungs!"Jungkook said happily.i waved and tae just ignored him."are you guys hanging out here?if so can I join!?"he asked."we are hanging here and n-"I interrupted Tae."YES YOU CAN HANG WITH US!TAE RIGHT?"I nudged him.he put a fake smile and said"sureee"he said.we went upstairs to my room.i texted the guys if they can come everyone said they could expect from hoseok who was busy in the dance club.as soon as everyone arrived Everyone sat in my double bed."I'm going on a date!"Jungkook announced excitedly.eveyone cheered expect from Tae of course."IM ALSO GOING ON A DATE!"said tae angrily."a date?"jungkook confusedly asked.everyone knew Tae doesn't want to date ever since this guy dumped him for a girl."with who?"Jin asked worriedly.tae started to sweat and I knew I had to step up to help him."ME!" I shouted happily.

Do you guys hate me?i hope not don't worry Yoonmin will become Offical and taekook!!!I just wanna say i had fun doing this chapter for some reason so yeah ❤️thanks for reading this far!

Ashley out mannn

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