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"Having a child is surely the most beautifully irrational act that 2 people can commit" ~Bill Cosby

Jimin's pov:
Once me and my girls were at home.Hee-young started screaming at me like a lunatic."CALL JIHOON'S DAD NOWWW!!!!I WANT PLAYDATE NOW!HAE AND ME LIKE HIMMMMM"Hee-young screamed with shrillness while jumping up and down excitedly."Okay okay Hee hee(hee-Young's nickname),calm down or else I won't"I replied trying to calm her down.jesus I think she ate too much candy or something.Hee-young stopped jumping and smiled widely at me, Then She rushed to her bedroom with Hae who was quietly watching her sister happily.

I got out the piece of paper that the man gave to hee-young.I typed the number in and started texting the mysterious man.

Jimin: hi is this Jihoon's dad?
Unknown Number: yeah it is.who is this?
Jimin:oh I'm the dad of the girls that met Jihoon.
Unknown number:oh Hae and hee-young right?
Jimin:yep 😁
Unknown number: pretty names they got there
Jimin:they have meanings to them 😊
Unknown number: ohhh I see
Wait why did you text me?
Jimin:oh right!Hee-young and Hae want a play date with jihoon
Unknown number:that would be nice 🙂Jihoon doesn't have many friends
Jimin:that's sad 😕
Unknown number:he's very antisocial and shy towards other children.its fine😅he will grow out of that personality
Jimin:Hae is like that too.she really clingy too
Unknown number:she does seem like a shy clingy type.
Jimin:yeahh she is..
Unknown number:so when can Jihoon come round yours?
Jimin:anytime really 😁 but not in the morning I have work
Unknown number:oh I maybe tomorrow?
Jimin:sure 😁
Unknown number: I may need your address 😂
Jimin:oh righttt! My address is xxxxxxxxxx
Unknown number:you're in my neighbourhood? 😱
Jimin:really??? 😱😱
Unknown number:yeah! You literally live 2 blocks away!
Jimin:that's good!
Unknown:need to go!need to feed a hungry baby!
Jimin:haha see you tomorrow!
Unknown:haha yeah bye!

I smiled after that conversation.He seemed nice and very father like.i like that.he reminds me of someone.

The next day:

It was the next day and had Seulgi had to go to work again.I never get to spend time with her because she's always working and I'm here stuck with the kids.great.atleast I get some company  since Jihoon's dad is coming with him.alteast I don't have to dress up like a princess.

I started preparing some snacks like donuts,Juice,cookies,milk,crisps,Chocolate and more basically Hee Hee and hae's favourite food.Hee-young is very foodie and can eat so much,so if Jihoon and hae are full Hee Hee can finish all the snacks.
The doorbell rang!they must be here!

I heard Hae and Hee-young running down the stairs and running to the door."guys I will get it!"I shouted at them.I rushed to the door and saw hae and hee-young stand close to the door excitedly,they made me smile widely.I opened the door and can't be...YOONGI?!?

My face dropped as I saw him and he looked at me surprised."you're Jihoon's dad?"I asked him and he just nodded."and that's Jihoon?"I asked once more whilst pointing at the cute boy with cute black shorts and a white hoodie."YES APPA!!"Hee-young answered excitedly."come in Jihoon and Yoongi-ahjussi"Hae said formally whilst leading them inside.
I just followed them confused and shocked.What is happening?
Hae and hee-young led Jihoon to their playroom already leaving me and Yoongi alone in the living was awkward..really awkward.the silence filled up the room making me uncomfortable.
Silence broke once Yoongi asked me a question.
"Are you married?"He asked looking at a picture frame of me and Seulgi leaning on each other's foreheads."n-no,not yet..I'm engaged"I stuttered." that Seulgi from red velvet?"He looked at me.he was surprised like he saw a ghost or something.i just nodded."impressive.where is she?stripping in a club or something?"He asked.Making my eyes widen."WHAT NO!WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?"I shouted very loudly."i was joking.just trying to make it less awkward you know..."he muttered.Aish I feel bad now...he was trying to make it less awkward...

"Soo are you in a relationship too?"I asked him.He shook his head.So he's  single...that's good to hear..WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING?!?"there is this guy I recently started seeing.he said he likes me but I'm not sure if I like him or anything since Im not over you yet.."He said calmly."you should be over me..We broke up ages ago"I said to him with a small smile.i Dont want him to be over me..I still love him even though I'm getting married."I know..I'm trying to find someone for he can live with a normal life."He said looking sad.

Before I said anything Hee-young rushed down and hugged my leg."APPA PLAY WITH US!"She shouted happily."alright baby I'll play only if Yoongi hyung can play and be the princess"I said smirking looking at Yoongi."OKAY!BUT IM THE PRINCESS SO YOONGI IS THE PEASANT!"Hee hee screaming in excitement.I laughed happily."BUT WE NEED 2 PEASANTS SO YOU TOO APPA!!!"she said dragging me and Yoongi upstairs.I stopped laughing and soon enough Yoongi started laughing at me.i groaned and rolled me eyes.

(Author: my babies looking slay as fuck

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(Author: my babies looking slay as fuck.YES QUEENS SLAYYY)
As soon as me and Yoongi changed.we looked at each other burst out laughing and rolled around on the floor like maniacs.I even started crying waterfalls of joy.

Maybe it isn't as bad as him having him around  again.Maybe I should give him a second chance?Maybe I should be his friend?Maybe we can be more than that?best friends?in a relationship?aish I'm going engaged to someone already so...

10013 words

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