Long gone

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jimin's pov:

its been a week since we called the police,The police are still searching for her for some reason she found out about the police knowing.well she is kinda a stalker so im not surprised she knew about the police.But she stopped texting Yoongi and left the school for good.Everything was back to normal well not really we have a stalker loose but she won't be near us ever again.I think.

Laura moved out with Addy since they are going to college soon and want to live together so now its just me and Yoongi living together.

Yoongi came in from work."Yah!OPPA you're here!"I rushed to him and gave him a hug."oppa?"he chuckled."I dont want to call you hyung or yoongi thats boring soo i thought i could call oppa?"I said cutely."call me Jagiya or Daddy"Yoongi chuckled."okay Jagi!"I smiled."when did you get so soft Jiminie?"he asked patting my head."ever since I fell for you"I winked making him chuckle."Jiminie I need to be at a meeting  in 20 minutes so spend time with me until then okay?"He gave me one of his cute gummy smiles.I nodded happily.

In those 20 minutes we just talked,cuddled,made out and tickled each other.I always love those moments and wanted them to last forever but nothing lasts forever sadly.

"I need to go now Jiminie"He said giving me a kiss on the cheek."bye jagi stay safe!"I said giving him a peck on the cheek.

Yoongi's pov:

As soon as I walked out and closed the door,I felt a violent hit felt like a baseball bat making me black out.The last words I heard was "you're mine now and forever mine".

as soon as I woke up I was in a dark spaced room and I was tied by a chair.I tried to escape by jumping on the chair and fidgeting but it was so tight it left bruises on my arm.

I heard footsteps coming to this room.Shit.The footsteps became louder and closer."Who's there?"I shouted."Your jagiya of course"She giggled.I remember that giggle.it can't be...I turned my head to see the one and only.Kacey.

"Oppa!"She giggled like crazy.She has gone crazy insane mental.Her hair is a mess and her clothes are ripped and she has a bat.she looked like harley quinn.A awful version to be honest.

"Oppa do you like your new home?"she giggled."THIS IS NOT MY HOME"I said firmly."you are mine now!She laughed.She got out a needle.oh no."it wont hurt i promise"she giggled."GET AWAY FROM ME!"I screamed trying to kick her."yah!be calm!"She screamed back and quickly put the needle in me.

All I can say is I wasn't myself.


HEHEHEHEEEHEHEHE I made another chapter woooo.I added a Yandere which was kinda fun but yer.


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