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Jimin's pov:
I decided to hang out with Jungkook and Tae today.I haven't seen them in ages so I think it's time to meet up and catch up.

Hae and Heehee are gonna be with Jihoon and Yoongi since they can't stop talking about jihoon, well Hee-young mostly did the talking and Hae just smiled quietly.

We decided to meet at their apartment since they wanted to show off their new place.

Me and the girls hopped in the car,before We drove off I checked if the girls had their seatbelt on since they would always unbuckle their seatbelts,surprisingly Hae does it too probably to impress her sister or something.Once I checked I sat on the drivers seat and started driving to Yoongi's house.

Jimin's car:

You might be wondering,how the hell did I get this car? Well it's simple Seulgi got it for me on my birthday,cool right?Seulgi was already rich before she debuted sooo,I promise you I'm not a gold digger I just have a awesome girlfriend

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You might be wondering,how the hell did I get this car? Well it's simple Seulgi got it for me on my birthday,cool right?Seulgi was already rich before she debuted sooo,I promise you I'm not a gold digger I just have a awesome girlfriend.

~10 minutes later~

As we arrived I stared at Yoongi's building in awe,I guess everyone is rich.

Yoongi's house

I'm surprised he hasn't been robbed or anything,well he is Agust D

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I'm surprised he hasn't been robbed or anything,well he is Agust D.

Hae and Hee-Young got out of the car instantly,being the excited monkeys they were they dragged me out of the car and dragged me all the way to Yoongi's front door.I slowly knock the door,soon as I knocked the door I heard running.Im guessing they were going to get the door for us.The door was opened by a sleepy Yoongi and a excited Jihoon.Yoongi's eyes soon widened,trying to make himself look less sleepy.He's cute when he's sleepy,I remember when we were younger we slept together and I had to always wake him up and he would always give me a sleepy face.Those days were the best days I had...

"Come in.."Yoongi said while leading the girls in.Yoongi then stared at my car."I'm surprised you can afford one of those cars with that job of yours"He said to me."Seulgi gave me it and my job actually pays good so"I snapped at him with glares."Sorry"he mumbled."it's okay.well I'm gonna get going now take good care of my kids please"I said while turning around,I soon started walking away until I heard a shout."Tell Jungkook and Taehyung I said hi"Yoongi shouted.I just gave him an okay sign and started walking to my car again.

~At Taekook's place~

As soon as I arrived I was welcomed by Jungkook and Tae running up to me and hugging me tightly."WE MISSED YOU"They both said in union."I missed you too guys but can you let me breathe please?"I said desperate for air and instantly released me from their tight hug and started apologising."it's okay"I said with my famous smile.

"So how are you guys?"I asked them."good since Tae proposed to me,I've become really famous and Tae has become a Gucci model anddd we actually aren't like we used to be when we were in high school which is a relief"Jungkook said happily."what do you mean by the last part?"I asked in confusion."oh we haven't really been like making out and having sex in public places and getting into trouble."tae said causally."oh um okay?"I said quite shocked at their confession."so hows your life Hyung?"Jungkook asked."well you see I'm engaged to Seulgi who is in red velvet,my kids are healthy and happy, I got a really good job to teach dance in a dance school which pays really good and I recently met up with Yoongi who is looking after my children right now so"I said happily,They looked at me like they saw  a ghost.Tae instantly grew pale.It was silent,they were too shocked to speak.Until Jungkook broke the awkward silence."You.met.up.with.Yoongi?!?"Jungkook screamed like a girl.i just nodded in confusion.Soon Tae and jungkook Screamed and jumped up and down Happily.Tae looked like was about to cry."MY HYUNG IS GETTING BACK WITH YOONGIII"Tae shouted like a alien while  doing some dance.My eyes widened,"IM NOT GETTIG BACK WITH YOONGI!"I shouted.soon they stopped and had disappointed looks on their faces."why not?"Tae pouted."I'm with Seulgi okay?Im happy with her and I'm engaged!I just want Me and Yoongi to be friends"I said rolling my eyes.

Jungkook then slapped me."Hyung hear yourself for once!are you really happy?Is Seulgi really your Euphoria?"Jungkook yelled at me."jeez stop trying to get your songs involved"I said while rubbing my cheek."you make me begin!!!"Tae sang not acting serious which earned a slap form Jungkook."Please Hyung think for once.."Jungkook begged with puppy eyes.And it hit me,my eyes widened."Yoongi is my euphoria."I whispered realising everything.

836 words

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