Not today

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~you don't just smile with your mouths but with your heart too~ by author

Yoongi's pov:
It has been long since i found where i can be comfortable,Thanks to the guys i can feel myself again and go back to my comfort zone.I turned on my phone since i didn't want a crazy bitch to start harrassing me with desperate messages to make me fall inlove with her.Sorry Lady i don't do online dating.

As the phone switched to my lock screen,Hundreds,possibly thousands of messages popped up.I think the messages broke my phone or something.

"This girl doesn't know what the word stop means"Jimin said jokingly.I sigh in frustration."what am i going to do?"i asked again with a sigh of frustration.Jin sat down with us."This is serious you need to call the police"He said folding his arms."what are they going to do if i said A crazy bitch is stalking me help."i said rolling my eyes.

"Hyung,atleast call the police"Kookie said worriedly."if i did.Somehow crazy bitch will find out and will say Yoongi bear bear why did you do that to your sweetie now Chimchim will pay"I said in a childish tone.Jimin smacked me angrily."did is serious Hyung for once take me seriously and this situation seriously"He said angrily."So you think those kisses aren't serious"I said a bit angry.and he became quite."Wait i'm sorry but "your sweetie".Bitch what you ain't sweet you salty!"Tae said out of no where.which made us burst into laughter.But all the happiness stopped when we saw a message on my phone.

"Don't get to comfortable..You're lucky your time hadn't come today...Just your wait little chimchim i will come for you.make your time fun while it lasts"

So she was planning on making us suffer today?but changed her plans...What is she up to?

So um yeah.I havent uploaded in ages i know but i got my phone taken away and i still don't have my phone and im making this chapter on my mum's phone and basically lied to her and said im going to need your phone for homework.So um yeah IM REALLY SORRYY PLEASE FORGIVE MEEE.

Ashley out mannn

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