Stop teasing

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Jimin's pov
As soon as I got the message me and Jin squealed like he just asked me on a date."ooO he interested in you!!"explained the elder in enjoyment, I had light pink cheeks because of what Jin said.After that happened Jin walked me to lunch since it was time for lunch,as soon as we got to our destination Jin whispered"eat a lot it will be unhealthy if you don't" and as soon as that he walked away,I just shrugged and went to the empty line to get food the only thing I got was noodles and rice.I search for my friends But they weren't seen any where,I got a bit worried so I searched again.The second time I did I spotted them chatting and eating together so I hurried to them.As I got to them and looked at me."sorry.."I apologized shyly and sat next to namjoon.they all stared at my food."why are you looking at my food"I said In confusion."That isn't enough."Tae worried explained so he passed me an apple.But I couldn't take it because I would feel guilty for him not eating not much so I passed it back to him."Jimin please eat"Namjoon said but I just nodded and ate my food quietly.As I finished my noodles and rice Kookie asked"what happened in the gym?"."Jin came and firmly shouted at me"I replied want to say more but I didn't."anything else?"the younger asked curiously."well...Suga like my pic and commented."I replied shyly,I stared at them and they looked like they just seen someone die."SUGA LIKED YOUR PICTURE?!?"Tae screamed which caught some people's attention like my sister...which she walked towards us.As soon she was like 2 cms away from me while standing and me sitting down uncomfortable."did I just hear what he just said?"she asked curiously.I looked at Tae angrily and lied to my sister,he sighed and walked away."tae you got to keep your mouth shut."I said to tae angrily .he apologized and I forgiven him."so what did he comment?"the curious elder asked."he put I wish you were there AND HE PUT A BLOWING A HEART EMOJI!!"I said quietly as possible."He like you hyung"Tae said whilst winking."but I haven't shown my face so how does he like me?"I disappointedly asked."that's why you post a selfie of yourself hyung"jungkook explained."I'm ugly Kookie and fat too."I whined.namjoon the one next to me snatched my phone and gave it to Jungkook who was in front of him."AND POSTED"he shouted and giving my phone back.
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King.tae and Offical_suga and 153 other people like your post!
Hacked by @kookiestealyogirl follow meh bitch👍🏻
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Pinkprincess4ever:look at my beautiful son 😍
PJliving_mochi:I'm going to kill you @kookiestealyogirl
King.Tae:aww mochi is so cute ❤️
Official_suga:@king.tae very cute indeed 👌🏻
Tae squealed"he CALLED YOU CUTEEE"."HE FOLLOWED YOUU!!"kookie screamed.i covered my ears to stop me from hearing the annoying squeals."I'm planning the wedding!!"Tae explained."I DONT EVEN KNOW HIM IN REALITY!!"I shouted.

"Stop teasing"i pouted.

HEY ITS YOUR GIRL cringing sorry.Thanks for reading and thanks for still reading my book!!!


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