Want to meet up?

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Jimin's pov:
I was already so I went out of the room.I sighed in nervousness,Why am I nervous to see him?well I am a fan of him...I walked to the set up,I as I got there I saw Suga talking to the photographer.I decided to walk up to them.Suga noticed me walking up to them and waved at me.I blushed and waved backed."hey there Mochi!"he said whilst smiling happily."h-hey Suga"I stuttered nervously."you can call me Yoongi instead Mochi"he said.I nodded and went up to my manager."Hello Stacey when is this photoshoot gonna start?"I said without stuttering."Ah Baby J I see you met me min"She replied without answering my question.I noticed that yoongi followed me to her and I jumped slightly."Yes we have ma'am"Yoongi replied for me whilst putting his head on my small shoulder."The photo shoot starts now by the way Baby J"My manager said while walking away to the makeup artist."baby J?"he said smirking."it's a name people call me in here since I'm small"I replied finally not stuttering."I like Jiminie better."he said while leading me to the place we are gonna model.

~15 minutes later~

"Now I want you to hold each other's hand"the photographer demanded.I naturally just did while Suga I mean Yoongi looked a bit surprised by how I naturally did it.well I've been holding hands with other people for modeling for the past 2 years so like he can complain.

~1 hour later~

We finally finished As I got to my room to change I heard a someone calling my name.I looked to see Yoongi running to me well jogging more like."Wanna take a picture?"he asked.my eyes widened and I just nodded
Offical_suga just posted a new post!

my eyes widened and I just noddedOffical_suga just posted a new post!

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PJliving_mochi and king.tae and 12305 other people liked this post.

Finished photoshoot with Jiminie the cutie😘
King.Tae:my baby is more cuter than Chimchim😒
Pinkprincess4ever:don't get to close you too😡
Kookiestealyoboy:Suga go get yo man.

I looked at what kookie put and I laughed."do you want to meet up?"Yoongi asked out of no where.

Ignore how all of them switch hair colour for pictures.i can't be bothered to find right colored hair they have now.so um yeah.


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