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Before this starts I'm just going to say this chapter will be mostly a vkook but at the begin is more of a Yoonmin so yeah!

Jimin's pov:
As I woke up from my slumber.I felt a round head resting on my chest.I saw Yoongi sleeping peacefully.What a cutie he was.I checked what time it was and it was 12:34 pm in a Saturday.I felt Yoongi moving and felt is head moving near to my my face.i started going red but soon he went back to my chest where it was more comfortable for him.

PJliving_mochi just posted a new post!

PJliving_mochi just posted a new post!

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King.tae and brightsunshine and 14234 liked your post!

Sleepy baby had a sleepover with mee💕💤

King.tae:lolol you just got laid m8
Kookiestealyoboy:HE IS STILL SLEEPING?!?!
Brightsunshine:@kookiestealyoboy its Yoongi for you

As I posted I realized Yoongi waking up.he yawned and smiled at me."Did you have to post that?"he groaned but sounded happy and sleepy."you saw that sleepy baby?"I asked.he chuckled at me saying sleepy boy."let's just sleep for the rest of the day sexy boy"he said trying to sleep."okay sleepy boy"I replied with a smirk.

Taehyung's pov:

I looked at Jimin's post and smiled.Kookie looked at me and smiled too."I guess we can't be cute as them can we?"he asked."they may be cuter than us but we are more sexier than them"I replied with a smirk.Kookie giggled cutely.I put my hands on his waists."I love you Kookie bear"I said lovingly while I kissed his cheek."I loved you too tasty tae"he replied while blushing.he really did obey me when I told him to call me tasty tae.I saw Laura storming to us."Really jungtrash?going to cancel that date of ours for this idiot?"she angrily shouted.I let go of Jungkook."Laura I told I don't like girls I like boys."jungkook said."I DONT CARE YOU JUST STOOD ME UP FOR THIS PERV!"Laura still shouting while stomping her feet to the ground.I groaned as I saw Jungkook stressing out."SHUT THE HELL UP LAURA!"I shouted at her leaving her silent."Jungkook didn't want to go in on a date in the FUCKING FIRST PLACE!he wanted for you to be happy!"I explained to her."even though he was unhappy of his decision he did it anyway!I consider you being grateful for him trying to make you happy."She just left upset."bitch."I just whispered while hugging Jungkook.

Okay this is short and I don't really like but I did it anyway.Laura isn't a bad character if your asking she is just misunderstanding everything and really cares about what people think and is first selfish but soon is going to understand.I personally think Laura is my favorite character because she kinda reminds me of me so yeah


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