Chapter 1

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up in my naked human form on the floor to find that I was trapped in a magical circle made of salt and was surrounded by lit white candles. I was both confused and worried as I looked around to figure out where I was, and I yelped when I heard footsteps approaching me.

"Ahh!" I yelled. Davina appeared beside me, looking unamused as she held a bundle in her hands. "What the hell am I doing here? Why am I trapped?" I asked her angrily. Davina rolled her eyes and threw the bundle at me, which was a blanket for me to use in order to cover myself up.

"I used magic to draw you here and to keep you a captive audience." Davina said. I used the blanket to cover my front and stood to my feet, becoming even more furious than before.

"Davina, I need to see my children." I said to her.

"I'm sorry, but there's something I need you to do for me first." She said calmly. I wasn't impressed at all and glared at Davina angrily.


I was still trapped in Davina's magic circle in a tomb. I had wrapped a blanket around myself and was holding it up with one hand. I was furiously beating against the magical boundary with my other hand and growled angrily.

"AGHHHH! AGHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. Davina came back into the room with her arms full of supplies, looking calmly at me, as I glared furiously at her. "Davina, let me out of here right now, or I swear I will kill you." I said to her enraged. Davina rolled her eyes and tossed a shirt and jeans at me before holding up a blood bag. (Outfit below)

 (Outfit below)

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"You can try. Or, we can have a polite conversation." She said to me.

"You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my children. Do not talk to me about 'polite!'" I said angrily.

"I drew you here to help you!" Davina said to me.

"Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse, and you said no." I told her.

"The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favors for the Mikaelsons." She paused before tossing the blood bag inside the circle. "...But, maybe we can help each other." She said. I was too hungry to argue any further. I kneeled down and started chugging the blood from the bag as quickly as I cloud, squeezing it so hard that it gets all over my hands. Even though I knew I would throw it up in about an hour since it wasn't Klaus's blood.

"Look, I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell that cursed you. You can be free, Alex." Davina said. I stood to my feet and licked the blood from my fingers. I was interested in what she was proposing, but I was still angry at the circumstances that led me here.

"Under your terms, I'm guessing." I paused, and Davina sighed. "Spill." I said and she hesitated.

"There's a witch in the 9th Ward who hates that I'm Regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that." Davina explained. I realized where she was going with this and I stared at her.

"Fine. Just tell me who you want dead."


I was using an athame to cut a lock of hair from my head, which I then handed to Davina, and I had also given her some of my blood. She had a bowl of it sitting on the nearby table, along with a half dozen lit white candles and one solitary new candle that remained unlit. She took my hair and walked towards the table and began the spell.

"You're completely cloaked. No magic will be able to track you. The witch's name is Kara Nguyen. She runs a café, Chim Lac, in the lower 9th Ward. She'll be there before dawn." Davina explained. She took my hair and broke it apart before dropping the pieces into the bowl of blood. She took the blood and hair mixture, then poured it over the new unlit candle. "As long as the candle burns, your curse won't be active."

"And when a strong wind comes along...?" I asked snidely. Davina waved her hand over the candle, which seemed to absorb my blood and hair, leaving only a blood-red crescent moon on the outside of it.

"My magic will protect the flame. Of course, you'll have to work with me." She said.

Davina threw her hand out, breaking the magic circle of salt around me with her mind and freeing me from the boundary spell. When I realized I could move, I sped towards Davina and pinned her against the table with the athame pressed against her neck.

"I'm doing this for my pack. If I turn into a wolf tonight before seeing my children, I will come for you, and I will tear you apart." I said to her angrily. Davina gasped in fear for a moment before gasping a reply.

"When the sun comes up tomorrow and you're still you, you'll owe me an apology." Davina said. I smirked in amusement before letting her go. I pointed the tip of the athame at her before I sat it on the table and turned to leave.

"You have two hours. Get it done."


At the cafe, Kara Nguyen had arrived for work and was walking toward the café. I quietly followed her, ducking behind some stacked crates to watch her from afar as a delivery truck driver approached her.

"Hi, could I get your signature on this?" He asked her. Kara took the clipboard from him and signed the delivery forms before smiling and handing it back to him.

I was still watching Kara from the shadows as she unpacked her deliveries, stepping forward to sped towards my target when suddenly, my bones started to crack as I began to transform back into a wolf. My eyes turned gold, and I tried my best to keep my moans of pain silent as I tried to figure out what to do.

Then it stopped. I was confused, touching my face experimentally and realized that I was no longer shifting. Well, I don't have a lot of time now. I quickly returned to the task at hand and sped towards Kara, catching her completely off-guard as I bit into her neck and fed off her.

I then snapped Kara's neck, killing her instantly. I wiped my bloody mouth off with my sleeve before I turned to leave. A moment later, ten more witches came out of the shadows and simultaneously cast a pain infliction spell on me, causing me to double over and clutch my head in agony.


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