Chapter 43

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up with a stake through my stomach. I heard fighting and snapped the wood in me in half before getting out. I followed the sound to realize it was Lucien and Klaus who were fighting. I rushed in to help with the fight. At some point, Klaus got thrown outside and Lucien got the upper hand on me, then we walked outside to Klaus.

Klaus stood up and turned around to see Lucien and me. Lucien stood behind me with his hand inside my chest, clutching my heart. "Oh well, a queen and a king caught by a one-time pawn. Thus the game comes to its inevitable end." Lucien said to us.

"What are you proving by killing her? It's me you hate." Klaus said to him. I was coughing up blood and holding onto my chest.

"Was I not clear when I murdered Finn, John, and Camille? I don't care who dies! But since you do, indulge me," I screamed in pain. "And I just might spare your wife. Kneel! Get on your knees!" He said to him.

"Ow!" I said as Lucian twisted my heart.

"I can feel her heart pounding in my fist. Do you really want to measure your pride against my mercy?" Lucien asked him and I groaned.

Klaus listens to Lucien and gets on his knees, bowing his head. Lucien sighed having defeated Klaus. Elijah and Hayley then appeared from behind, throwing Lucien back. My husband sped up and grabbed me, pulling me into his arms. Freya appeared and started reversing the spell. When she finished, she was panting heavily.

"His power's gone. He's nothing but an ordinary vampire now." Freya told us and Klaus walked up to Lucien.

"You see that family drama you so joyfully derived does have its merits," Klaus said and Elijah made him kneel before him.

"You can kill me but the prophecy still stands, you cannot outrun it," Lucien stated.

"I've heard about 1000 years too much from you. For a century, you lived with my name and you never did quite recover from losing it, did you? You became a man of wealth and stature, but you never could crawl from my shadow." Klaus said and kneeled in front of Lucien.

"And in the end," Klaus picked up a piece of broken glass off of the ground. "Despite the gift of immortality, you have always known what you truly are." Elijah holds back Lucien's head while Klaus uses a piece of broken glass to cut Lucien's mouth. "You are nothing." He said and turned to me. "He's all yours."

I walked up to Lucien and watched as he struggled in Elijah's grip. "Alex, I'm sorry," Lucien said and I sighed, kneeling in front of him.

"Lucien, Lucien, Lucien..." He looked at me and I shook my head. "You forgot to look me up when you came to New Orleans. Both Tristan and you did. Aurora on the other while, weirdly enough, she was the smartest out of you three." I explained.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"If you had looked me up. Looked at my past. You would have learned the lesson everyone should learn before facing me..." I plunged my hand into his chest and twisted his heart. He groaned and looked at me with a scared expression. "Never threaten my family, and don't ever kill someone I care about, because it makes me want to rip your heart from your chest," I said and ripped his heart out. I dropped it to the ground as I stood up.


Klaus and I proceed to burn Lucien's body. Klaus brought me into his arms and I sighed. "Feel better?" He asked and I nodded.

"Getting there," I said and he kissed my forehead before walking away. Hayley walked up to me and we watched Lucien's body burn. "Cami liked the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, for the funeral on the second ninth. We should hold the wake at Rousseau's." I said to her and she nodded.

"Come on, let's let Lucien burn alone eh? We should get back to Kol and Marcel." Klaus told us. Hayley and I then proceed to walk away from the burning corpse. I saw Elijah and Freya stay were they were as they talked to Klaus.

"Klaus, there's something you need to know."


I was sat by Hope and Shawn's cribs watching them, Klaus entered the room quietly. "Hey." He said and I looked up at him.

"Hey," I said.

"I heard you agreed on holding a funeral for Cami," Klaus said and sat down next to me.

"It's the least I could do since I couldn't go to John's," I told him.

"Where is his body?" He asked.

"I called Matt earlier. He came and got it. He sent me a photo of John's headstone with the rest of his family." I explained to him.

"Matt's a good guy," Klaus said and I nodded.

"Yeah, yeah he is," I said and looked at our kids as they watched us talk. "Our family is safe."

"Our family is fractured, my demons won," Klaus said and I looked over at him. He was looking at the floor and I grabbed his hand, which caused him to look up at me.

"My demons won too. Trust me. I found out that Damon dedicated himself because he couldn't deal with living a life without Elena. They capture Rayna Cruz. Stefan went back to his ex. Caroline and Alaric are in Dallas with their kids and are one day probably going to get engaged so their kids could live a normal life. Then Bonnie and Enzo have teamed up to set things back into order." I explained to him and looked down.

"So, I guess you are right Klaus we are fractured. Your family is turning on each other and my family has not only been kicked out of their hometown but has decided to put a least 50 miles in between themselves. The only silver lining is that we're all safe for now." I said and he nodded. "But Lucien, he is not your demon, you may have sired him but you did not create that monster."

"My sweet I fear we may have created a new monster entirely," Klaus said to me in a worried tone. I just scooted over and laid my head on his shoulder. He kissed my head and wrapped his arm around my waist bringing me closer to him. Then we just sat there, enjoying each other's silence. 

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