3 Years, 2 Brothers, and...1 Phone Call?

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Alex's P.O.V 

It had been three years since I left New Orleans. Hayley and I don't talk that much anymore and it bothered me. The kids were five years old. "KIDS! BREAKFAST!" I yelled and heard them running down the stairs and then past me. I walked over to the dining table where they were sitting and brought them their pancakes.

We lived in a little town called Beacon Hills. It was quiet and peaceful. The kids had a few friends they played and saw almost every day. The house was cloaked from anybody looking for us and there were no supernatural beings here.

"Thanks, mommy." They said and I smiled as I kissed both their heads. They hadn't started school yet but they will soon. I missed Klaus with every passing day, but I was determined to keep my promise. The phone rang and I leaned against the kitchen counter. I saw who it was before rolling my eyes, thinking it was some telephone marketers, and answering it with an annoying smile.

"Hello," I said in a semi-sweet voice.

"Hello, sister." I stood up worried the second I figured who it was.

"Damon?" I asked.

"Yup, how would you like to come home for Christmas?" Damon asked me and I looked around nervously. Hells no! He doesn't get to drag my children into this life.


"Because I've missed you and the kids."

"Damon we're really busy and I don't think-"

"Come on, it's just one day. What could possibly go wrong?" Damon asked and I looked at the kids. I sighed as I watched them drawing with their crayons. With Klaus being gone I guess it's a good idea for them to be with one half of their family. Not to mention that I need all the family I can get at this point. "So..." I heard Damon say as I snapped out of my trance.

"I'll see you in a week, Damon," I said and hung up the phone.

What the hell did I just agree to?

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now