Chapter 27

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Alex's P.O.V

I was sitting on a park bench, watching children play nearby with a mournful expression. Hayley was here earlier, but she left to go and spend time with the kids. Klaus appeared and sat down next to me. "I thought you were John," I said to him. I was still deep in grief, and my voice was emotionless when I spoke to him.

"I talked to John and he understands that you need a today to yourself, so he will meet with you tomorrow. Unless something comes up of course..." Klaus said and I smirked.

"So, what have you come to pay your respects?" I asked him. Instead of making a snarky comment as expected, Klaus gave me a genuine smile.

"It's easy to speak well of Jackson. He was a good man." He said. My husband looked over at a baby tree several feet in front of us. "Though it is a bit macabre, isn't it? Burying his heart under a sapling?" I sighed.

"At least Hope and Shawn will have a place to visit him. I don't want them to forget how much they loved him. Plus it was Hayley's idea to put his heart here, not mine." I explained. He gave me a sympathetic look, but I couldn't meet his eyes.

"I am sorry... for your loss, my love." He said and took my hand. I then wrapped my arm around his and laid my head on his shoulder, but I still couldn't look at him.

"Mmm. Everybody's sorry. Doesn't make a whole lot of difference, does it?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Perhaps not. I've heard time heals all wounds, but that has not been my own experience. I wonder if keeping busy might help distract you from your grief?" Klaus asked. I looked up at him with curiosity and suspicions.

"You have something in mind?"

"Aurora's still at large. No doubt plotting her revenge. She used Camille to get to us once. She may do so again. And, Cami is rather vulnerable. I'd like to provide some safeguarding." He explained. I thought about this for a moment before I responded.

"I thought I made that your job?" I asked and he frowned sadly.

"No. Not anymore." Klaus said. I once again took a moment to consider his offer before sighing reluctantly.

"Fine," I said. I placed my hand on his chin and brought his lips to mine. His phone started to ring and we pulled away. Klaus walked off to take the phone call, once he was done he turned to me.

"Is John still meeting me here tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded sadly.

"If you like I can compel him to forget that and leave you alone." He suggested and I giggled at him before nodding.

"I would like that very much. Consider it an anniversary gift." I walked towards him as he held a shocked expression on his face. "Yes, darling we've been married for one year and two days," I said.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." He said and I shrugged.

"It's fine. I mean I was kidnapped and everything." I said to him. He laughed and kissed me before we went our separate ways.


I had just walked into Cami's apartment, where she was reading an old, yellowed book while an assortment of dark objects lay strewn across her coffee table. I stopped at the doorway between the living room and the kitchen.

"Your doorbell is broken downstairs," I said to her. Cami turned to face me, looking unamused.

"I keep forgetting to compel the shady landlord to fix it. Next time, text." Cami shut the book and walked towards me until we were face-to-face. "You could get hurt, sneaking up on someone with a stockpile of dark objects." I wasn't amused by her threats and decided to give her a piece of my mind.

"Was it worth it? Risking the lives of, oh, every vampire in existence over your petty fight with my husband?" I asked her. Cami rolled her eyes and walked past me to put her book on the shelf.

"And here I thought this was a social call."

"More like a wake-up call, Cami. You haven't been yourself lately, and in your less-than-sane moments, you have been putting the people that I care about in danger." I explained to her.

"See, I sort of thought I had proven myself. I did risk what was left of my life to save yours. And maybe what I need is some space - to deal with this whole... I don't know, being dead, drinking blood, living forever..." She explained irritably. I rolled my eyes, though I know Cami had a point, and she continued on. "If you have come to lecture me, save it. I have been lecturing myself for weeks." I sighed deeply and nodded in agreement for a moment before I spoke.

"You're right," I said. I turned and picked up a jacket laying over the nearby chair. "Is this your coat? Great." I shoved Cami's coat into her chest. "You don't need a lecture, but I am gonna take your ass to school," I said to her. I walked past her and headed out the door, and Cami reluctantly followed me.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now