Chapter 19

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Alex's P.O.V

Rebekah was still fighting with Klaus and Elijah. When she lunged toward them, Klaus and Elijah each grab one of her arms and throw her back onto the dinner table, where she struggled against their hold as they pinned her down.

"No! No! Abah!" Rebekah yelled. Just then, a still-weak and bloody Freya rushed towards them as fast as she can with the enchanted blade in her hand.

"Hold her!" Freya yelled at her brothers.

Klaus and Elijah do what they were told and pinned Rebekah down as hard as they can as she came up and sliced the patch of skin with the cursed skull weal on it off of Rebekah's wrist with the knife and chanted the spell, though Rebekah screamed so loudly her incantation is unintelligible.

Finally, once it was done, Rebekah goes limp as her body started to heal from the injury. Her eyes close for a moment, and Elijah and Klaus hesitantly let go of her and back away. After a moment, Rebekah began to stir again, and she groaned as she comes to and sat up. Klaus, Elijah, and Freya all look at her with concern, though they are relieved that her eyes are no longer black as they were. Finally, Rebekah speaks in a sarcastic voice.

"Well, that was annoying," Rebekah said and I chuckled. Freya sighed in relief, and Klaus can't help but chuckle at her. After a moment, Rebekah smiled a cheeky smile, indicating that all is well for now. Klaus then turned around and rushed towards me.

He picked me up and spun me around in a hug. I laughed as we hugged. Klaus never does this...but then again it might just be the Christmas spirit. He placed me down and kissed me. We pulled away and I laughed at him.

"What was that for?" I asked him and he smiled.

"For staying alive," Klaus said and I laughed while hugging him again.


I was in my bedroom, where Hope and Shawn are on a blanket spread out on the floor in the nursery. Shawn was playing with his monkey and Hope was playing with the little wooden knight that Klaus carved for Rebekah when they were children. I was watching them coo and play when Jackson and Hayley came into the room to see them.

"We going to go," Hayley said and I stood to my feet. I had showered and changed into clean clothes after my old ones were ruined in my fight with Rebekah, and walked towards my friends.

"Am I the world's worst mother for letting one of my teething toddlers gnaw on something that's been around for a millennium?" I asked them and Jackson looked back over at Hope, who is still cooing as she puts the wooden knight in a coffee mug. She pulled it out again and smiled.

"Hope's tough. I think she can take it. Are you okay?" Jackson asked and I nodded. Hayley picked up her sweater off of my bed and put it on.

"Oh, you never get used to the feeling of a fist around your heart," I said. I sighed before looking up and meeting Jackson and Hayley's eyes. "I'm really sorry. I know you two wanted me to come over so we could spend the night without the kids and catch up. I even had this really dumb plan that we were all gonna drink hot whiskeys and watch It's A Wonderful Life together. Yet, here we are..." Hayley gave me a reassuring look.

"You don't need to apologize. Today, it was Jackson and me that saw their house on fire and decided not to let it burn." Hayley said and I smiled.

"Why did you guys decide to help them? After everything they did?" I asked. Jackson hesitated for a moment and rubbed his face contemplatively before he finally answers.

"Instinct. I don't know. I felt like one of my pack was in danger, and I acted. I mean, don't get me wrong - my future in-laws really suck." Jackson said and, Hayley and I can't help but burst out laughing at this remark. "But, hey, they fought like hell to protect each other today, and I respect that. I was born to love Hayley. But you're her family, and if that means I have to deal with the Mikaelsons, then okay. I'm in."

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now