Chapter 30

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Alex's P.O.V

I walked into the courtyard to see Klaus leaving. "Leaving so soon?" I asked him and he turned to me with a smile.

"Well, your little brother just showed up in the bar where no magic can be done," Klaus said and I stared at him shocked.

"Stefan is in New Orleans?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Want to join me in welcoming him back to our city?" Klaus asked and I smiled at him before we left to go say hello to my little brother.


"Welcome to New Orleans, old friend," Klaus said to Stefan and I sat down on the other side of my little brother. The bartender turned to me.

"Bourbon?" She asked and I turned to look at Stefan, who was staring at me.

"Make that two," I said with a smile. Stefan stared at us in shock.

"As I live and breathe. Stefan Salvatore in the Crescent City. This ought to be very good, or entertainingly bad." My husband said to him.

"I'm just in town for a little R & R. Hate to disappoint. So... How is Elijah, and, uh, whoever else you've brought back from the dead?" Stefan asked and I laughed.

"Oh, you know the Mikaelsons." My brother turned to me as I drank my bourbon. "Never a dull moment," I said. "But I did almost have my heart ripped out of my chest...again." Stefan's phone buzzed, but he turned it off.

"So, of all the gin joints, you pick ours... there four walls are invulnerable to the magic of those pesky locator spells. Bit of a coincidence, isn't it?" Klaus asked.

"Damon's looking for me, and I don't want to be found. I figure you, of all people, can relate to family drama." Stefan said and I laughed.

"Been there. Done that." I said and Sylvia filled up my glass again.

"Sylvia, this is an old friend. Please keep his cup brimming." Klaus said to her and she looked at my little brother.

"Mmm. A cute old friend. Where have you been hiding him?" She asked us and I smiled at her.

"Quaint little place called Mystic Falls. Home of the mining fires that prompted a town-wide evacuation. It was very noble of you to stand up for the human faction as you did, in such uncharacteristically sweeping, dramatic fashion." I said to my brother.

"I did have some help," Stefan said to me.

"How is Caroline?" I asked him and he looked at Sylvia.

"Sylvia, I think we're gonna need another round," Stefan said and looked at me. "Both you and I aren't nearly drunk enough to have this conversation." I laughed as Sylvia gave me the whole bottle of bourbon.


Klaus, Stefan, and I were now sitting at a table in the bar. Damon was calling Stefan again and I looked at my brother. "You know damn well Damon isn't going to stop until you answer him," I said and Stefan sighed.

"I was hoping that wouldn't be the case," Stefan said to me and I laughed.

"Oh well. It is." I said. He sighed before walking off and answering the phone. I looked at my husband and sighed. Stefan talked to Damon and I just drank away their problems along with mine.

"We'll find who took Jackson's heart, Alex." My husband said to me and I looked at him annoyed.

"Yeah, well, have you found a solution for the problem with that guy...I think his name was John..." I said and Stefan walked back over.

"Personally I say rip his heart out," Stefan said and sat back down. I gestured to my brother while smiling at my husband.

"And there's our solution," I said. Klaus rolled his eyes at me and we turned back to Stefan. "So, where were we? Siphon babies, vampire-witch Heretics? Hmm, sounds like you've been having quite a lot of fun since the last time we talked, brother."

"Well, to be clear, Caroline practically died in childbirth. And she's not actually their mother. It just sort of... happened." Stefan said and I laughed.

"So, she carried two lives in her womb, she gave birth to them, and now she plans to hand those cooing little faces over to Alaric without so much as a hiccup of hesitation?" I asked him and my tone became more sarcastic. "Yeah, you're probably right, that does sound like Caroline." I saw as Klaus gave Stefan a suspicious look, clearly knowing that Stefan was hiding something from us.

"If you care about her as you say you do, why aren't you with her now?" Klaus asked. Funny, I was thinking the same thing.

"Like I said - family drama. Speaking of, umm... Damon's found himself in a bit of a werewolf predicament." I dropped my head on the table with a loud bang. "I know I said he was a pain in the ass, but is there any chance you'd be willing to spare some blood? Just in case things go south?" Stefan asked my husband.

I soon looked up and looked between the two men I was sitting with. Just then, Stefan's shirt started to bleed and Klaus became enraged when we saw the X-shaped blood stain it made on his chest.

"That is the mark of the Phoenix Sword," Klaus said. Stefan and I stood up, then I looked at my little brother's wound. We looked shocked that Klaus knew about it and I only knew about it because Damon mentioned it once.

"You've seen that before?" I asked Klaus.

"Tell me you have not been careless enough to make an enemy of Rayna Cruz!" Klaus yelled at him.

"Why do you think I'm here, Klaus?" Stefan said.

"So, you came here to hide, to seek refuge in my town, to enjoy the perks of my hospitality in the city where my family, along with your sister, sleeps, and all the while, you lure in a vicious hound with your scent?" Klaus shouted furiously.

"She can't find me in this bar -" Stefan said and Klaus cut him off before he could explain further.

"Well, maybe not under this roof, but you are aware that she was born in New Orleans? Terrorized the Quarter for years, thrust her blade through the heart of some of my best men on the steps of St. Anne's Church. She will pursue you until your paranoia and despair far outweigh your desire to live. Here, elsewhere, or in hell, she will find you." Klaus explained to him.

"If you know how to outrun her, tell me what to do, Klaus!" My brother said to him desperately.

"I'll tell you what you don't do. You do not draw a huntress to a town full of vampires. You do not drink my bourbon whilst lying to my face, and you do not dare ask me favors ever again. Is that clear, old friend?" My husband asked him for more furiously. Stefan and I were both horrified and terrified, then Klaus raised his voice once more. "Get out," Klaus said and I walked over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Klaus no," I said to him and he placed me behind him. He was trying to keep me as far away from that mark as possible.

"If I leave, she'll kill me," Stefan said panicking.

"And if you stay, your sister will die then I will kill you myself. Get. Out." Klaus said.

"Klaus please," I begged him and tried to get over to Stefan, but Klaus kept me behind him. When Stefan didn't immediately leave, Klaus roared at him.

"GET OUT!" Klaus shouted and I looked at Stefan scared. Stefan reluctantly does as he was told without another word, and Klaus paced throughout the bar the second the bar door closed.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"I'm trying to protect you," Klaus said to me as he walked up to me. "With Jackson missing, John becoming more friendly with you," I looked down and sigh quietly when he said that. "The last thing we need is that mark in our city."

"Then if you want to protect me, please, don't let me lose someone else that I care about," I said to him and Klaus sighed. He hesitated for a moment as he decided on what to do. Klaus soon kissed my head and nodded before leaving to go after my brother. 

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