Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V

I sped into the room and shoved Freya into the nearby column, which instantly knocked her out. Hayley and Jackson looked up at me in surprise, but then became even more concerned when they realized that I was covered from head to toe in blood.

"Where the hell is that bastard?" I asked them. Hayley was gaping worriedly at me as I stood in front of them.

"Alex, what happened?" Hayley asked me.

"Alex. Come to apologize for all your transgressions?" I heard Klaus ask behind me. I turned and rushed towards Klaus aggressively.

"Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?" I asked him. I threw a punch at him, but he dodged it and grabbed my arm, twisting it behind my back. "AHH!" I screamed in pain.

I broke out of his hold easily because I kicked him backwards in the gut before I spun and roundhouse-kicked him in the face. Klaus looked back at me angrily. "The very thing you sought to take from me - the chance to raise our children. Your punishment fits your crime." Klaus said.

"Your family was ruining their lives!" I yelled at him. Klaus sped towards me and pinned me in a choke-hold against a nearby table, I gasped for breath.

"My family saved their lives while you were off playing hide-and-seek in the forest!" He yelled. I headbutted Klaus in the face, causing his nose to bleed. "There's a very short list of people who've tried to take Hope and Shawn away from me, and you're the only one left breathing."

"Are you that delusional, Klaus? You cursed all of us! Every wolf that I fought for, everyone that stood up for our children. You took all of them away from their families!" I yelled enraged.

"Yes, yes, your precious pack, that family you choose over us, and in doing so, you chose over Hope and Shawn." Klaus said to me.

"Is that what you were planning on telling them when they got older and asked for me? That I abandoned them?" I asked him stunned.

I became more furious than anyone had ever seen me. I broke an end-table and used the broken leg as a stake as I lunged at Klaus. However, Klaus took the stake and threw it aside, watching frustratedly as I jumped high into the air onto the staircase railing, which I used as leverage to jump onto the balcony. I leaped over to where Klaus just appeared and started punching him, which he dodged at vampire speed. I started angrily shoving him in the chest, pushing him backwards as I yelled at him furiously.

"My mother replaced me! My father hated me! Your parents turned their backs on you! Look at us now, Klaus!" I yelled at my husband. "I loved you and betrayed me!" I continued hitting him hard in the chest, but Klaus, didn't do anything but stare in horror at me as I screamed in frustration. "AHHH!"

"Niklaus!" I heard Elijah say to him, but ignored it. I kept shoving Klaus in the chest.

"They deserve something better than what we had, and all I have ever wanted for them is something better!" I yelled and Klaus continued to stand there silently, which only made me more frustrated. "Fight back! FIGHT BACK!" I yelled and slapped him.

Klaus's eyes widen as he noticed something behind me, and when I turned around, I saw Hope and Shawn slowly toddling over to us on the balcony. They probably heard the fight and became curious on what was happening. My mouth opened in shock, and a wave of guilt washed over my face as I covered my mouth with my hand in horror.

"Ohhhh. They're walking. When did they start walking?" I asked him overwhelmed by everything.

My husband remained silent, and I was on the brink of breaking down as I slowly walked towards my children. I finally picked them up, too overwhelmed to remember I was covered in blood, and I started to cry as Hope and Shawn cooed in my arms.

"I missed it. I missed everything." I said quietly and kissed both of their cheeks, while holding them close.


I walked down the steps with Hope and Shawn, and Klaus followed slowly behind me. Freya had broken the shackles from Jackson and Hayley's wrists, and as soon as she was finished, Hayley rushed towards me and the babies to give us a hug.

"What happened? Is the curse broken?" Hayley asked.

"I'll explain later. We're safe... for now." I said tiredly.

"Good for you. I'll have your bedroom made up." Klaus said polity and I turned to him. I glared at him, and it's a glare I only give when I despise someone.

"The only way that I will stay under your roof is if I'm in a coffin." I said to him.

"If you think I will allow Hope and Shawn out of my protection for a second -"

"What you'll allow doesn't matter, Klaus. Welcome to a 21st century custody battle. Moms win them now." I said to him firmly. Before we could start fighting again, Elijah interrupted us.

"If I may? The apartments across the street have recently been renovated. I might pay a visit to the management." Elijah said. He turned to Klaus, who was visibly unhappy, and glared at him. "The fact that Alex, Hope, and Shawn will never be out of earshot should assuage your incessant paranoia."

"So we are to listen as my children are raised by savages?" Klaus asked him.

"Because everyone here is so damn civilized?" Jackson said.

"Brother, you created the problem. This might well be the solution." Elijah told his little brother. I looked at Elijah gratefully and nodded.

"Put the place in Hayley and Jackson's names." I said and looked over at Klaus. I glared at him as the next five word came out of my mouth. "Klaus won't be invited in." He scowled in anger at this news, but he said nothing as Hayley, Hope, Shawn, Jackson, and I walked away.

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