Chapter 3

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Alex's P

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Alex's P.O.V (Her Outfit ^^)

I had showered and gotten dressed in clean clothes. I was in my old bedroom, packing up my things in a leather bag. As I packed, I thought about all the witches I had killed for Davina last night. I was broken out of my own thoughts by Klaus, who had gently knocked on the door as he stood in the threshold. He seemed to sense that I was troubled and looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"I'm fine. Come in." I said to him. Klaus walked into the room, and I returned to packing. I.e. I'm trying to ignore my husband after I slapped him and he cursed me to be a werewolf for the past few months. "Jackson and Hayley are gathering the pack and helping them find their familes... or what's left of them anyways."

I anxiously cleared my throat and ran my hand through my hair, keeping my back to Klaus so he doesn't see how overwhelmed I am. Klaus held out his hand, which had a set of keys on a key ring hanging from his index finger.

"You should be quite comfortable. According to Elijah." Klaus said to me. I turned to him, and my eyes widen in appreciation when I saw that Elijah actually got Hayley, Jackson, and I an new apartment.

"Tell him I say thanks." I said and took the keys.

We stood there awkwardly and Klaus walked up to me, but I jumped. I was very jumpy apparently. He stopped, scared that I would run out of the room. Klaus probably just wants to talk to you, Alex. Calm down, he's still your husband. I sighed when he looked down sadly and I walked up to him with the box Hayley gave me earlier.

"You know Hayley gave this to me." I said and handed him the box. Klaus took it and opened it before smirking at me. Inside was my golden locket, wedding ring, and engagement ring. "I'm kind of shocked she told me to wear the rings as well, after everything you did to us."

My husband took my hand and slipped my wedding and engagement ring on my finger. He then grabbed my locket and placed it around my neck. I turned back to him and touched my locket, then I noticed he had been wearing his wedding ring this entire time and smiled.

"But you're still going to live with them." Klaus said and I sighed sadly.

"You broke my heart Klaus." I said. He looked at me with regret and I placed my hand on his cheek. "But it doesn't mean I stopped loving you."

"I love you too." Klaus said and placed his hands on my waist. I looked in his eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He looked at me in the eyes asking for permission. I looked around the room and pulled away from him.

"We can't." I said, but he grabbed my arm again when I tried to turn away from him.

"Yes we can. Hayley and Jackson can live in the apartment and we can live here with the kids," Klaus lifted my head up so I was now looking at him. "Together." He said and I sighed as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"I can't, Klaus. I can't forgive you. Not after everthing you did." I said to him and he pulled me close, so we were nose to nose.

"Please. I made worst mistake of my life and because of that I lost you. I lost the best thing in my life. I lost the only woman I will ever truly love." Klaus begged and I placed both my hands on the sides of his face. I brought his lips to mine and kissed him. He kissed me back and held me close, like I would disappear if he didn't.

"Alex." I heard Jackson say and I pulled away to see him standing behind Klaus with the babies things. I looked down at the floor before sighing.

"Goodbye Klaus." I said to him and grabbed my bag that was sitting on the bed. I looked at Klaus before walking over to Jackson. I turned back to my husband to see him turn around. I gave him a soft smile before leaving with Jackson.


Jackson, Hayley, Shawn, Hope and I had just arrived at our new apartment across the street from the compound. Jackson unlocked the door and walked in with Hayley as she held Shawn, but I stopped in the threshold with Hope in my arms, unable to enter due to being a hybrid. After a moment, I cleared my throat awkwardly and Hayley turned around to me.

"Oh! Come on in." Hayley said with a chuckle.

Since I was now invited in, I was finally able to follow them. Hope and I looked around at our new home. The apartment was small and full of boxes, with our stuff inside each one of them, along with the cribs Jackson made for Hope and Shawn.

"Not quite as luxurious as the airstream, but..." I said.

"Eh, we'll make it a good home, Alex. Hope and Shawn will be surrounded by people who love them. They'll be happy, you'll be happy..." Jackson said and smiled at me.

Hayley gently placed Shawn in his crib, then I placed Hope her crib, next to her brothers. I looked down at my children, who were happily playing with their stuffed animals as they laid on their backs in their beds, and I laughed, happy to be reunited with them. Jackson and Hayley gave me a curious look.

"What?" Jackson asked me and I smiled at them.

"I just missed you both." I said and hugged them. They hugged me back before leaving me alone with my kids.

I looked up and saw Klaus looking at me. He had a glass of alcohol in his hand. When he noticed I was looking at him, he stopped leaning against the window and looked at me shocked. I laughed at him and the fact he was still overprotective. I picked up Hope and walked out on the balcony with her. Klaus walked out on his balcony as well and smiled at me. I smiled back and looked down at Hope.

"Can you wave to your dad?" I asked her and moved her little hand to wave at him. He waved back at us and laughed a little. I laughed as well and looked up at him. Maybe this won't be such a bad thing.

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