Chapter 25

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Alex's P.O.V

Klaus walked into my old bedroom, where I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my back turned to him. I was still affected by Cami's words towards my friends earlier. Hayley was asleep in her room.

"Where is Camille?" Klaus asked frantically and I sighed.

"She went home," I said as I turned to him. Klaus gave me a look, which I quickly returned. "She needed some time, and yes, I let her go. I know you think you're helping, but all you're doing is pissing her off, and that's the last thing she needs. Trust me." Klaus didn't exactly look mad, but it's clear he's trying not to be overly rude to me.

"I really don't think -" I rolled my eyes and cut him off.

"Listen, Klaus. The Cami that we knew is gone." I said. Klaus gulped nervously, knowing that I was right. "And whoever she's gonna be is something that she has to figure out by herself."

"I just wanted to keep her safe..." Klaus said quietly. I was still raw from Jackson's death and had a little energy to argue with Klaus. Though what I said sounded mean on paper, in reality, I was simply exhausted and defeated.

"Yeah? Well, guess what. The people you think you're keeping safe? Elijah, Rebekah, even Hope, and Shawn? Sometimes, you do them more harm than good." I said. Surprisingly, Klaus didn't seem offended by this comment. Instead, it seemed to have triggered a realization in him, and he huffed a dark laugh under his breath. I looked at him in confusion. "What?"

"What you just said - keeping Rebekah safe? I know what the weapon is." Klaus said. I looked stunned by this change in topic, and Klaus frowned as he turned to leave and find Elijah. "I made it myself."


Both Klaus and I were searching through Hayley's apartment for the wooden knight, but despite it being on the table when I left earlier. After a moment, I sighed in frustration. "This doesn't make any sense. It was here. I saw it!" I said and Klaus suddenly got an idea.

"When?" He asked me.

"This afternoon. I swear." I answered. Klaus sighed deeply when he realized what had just happened.

"Oh, I believe you. We're just here a little too late." He said. Though he was smiling weakly, it's clear he was very unhappy about what he had just discovered. "There is only one other person capable of deciphering the witches riddle, the very person with whom I shared my memories of that night... My trusted therapist."


I walked into the compound to check on Hayley. I knocked and opened the door the find her not on the bed. "Hayley?" I said and looked around. I then walked around and still couldn't find her. So, when I walked onto the balcony and saw her across the street and sped over there.

I looked at Hayley as she cried while holding Jackson's flannel. I was standing at the bottom of the staircase, looking devastated and not knowing how to best comfort her. Hayley eventually noticed my presence, which ultimately caused her to somewhat calm down.

"I don't know what to say..." I said sadly. Hayley took a deep, calming breath before she tearfully responded.

"Alex... I've spent the last 24 hours being so angry at Tristan, at your family, at Elijah, at you... At Jackson, even, for always being so brave." As she talked, my eyes filled with tears as well, and I looked upset at the thought of causing her pain. "But then, I realized that I'm not angry. I'm not mad... I'm just guilty." Hayley started to cry silently again, and I walked up the steps towards her, eventually sitting down next to her on the floor, though neither of us made eye contact at first.

"I wanted to blame you, blame anyone... But the truth is that Jackson died because he loved me." She said and I scooted closer to her. I brought her into my lap and saw Elijah looked at us. She cried harder and I comforted her the best I could.

"I know Hals, and I'm so sorry. I should have sent you home two years ago. I should have never brought you into my life. Because the truth's sad, it hurts," I began to cry. "And it's full of pain. Always coming to the point where you either take it out in anger or grief. I'm used to it because it's just my life. Not yours. I'm angry at Tritan too, I'm angry at everyone right now - even Klaus and Cami, and I'm sorry I brought you into this." I explained to her.

"But I'm not going to leave you ok?" I said and Elijah sat down next to us. I saw that Hayley had cried herself to sleep in my lap. "I'm never going to leave you." I finally looked over at Elijah and stared him in the eyes. "Because truth is, loving any of us is a death sentence... Isn't it?" Elijah gave me a sympathetic look, but since he had no answer that will comfort Hayley or me, he remained silent, and we continued to just stare at each other without speaking.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now