Chapter 44

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Alex's P.O.V

Klaus walked up to me as I tried to zip up my dress. We walked up behind me and did it for me. I smiled at him over my shoulder. When he was done he wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Ready?" He asked me and I nodded while turning around to look at him. He didn't move his hands from my waist. He just brought me into a kiss and I sighed.

"Ready," I said and he grabbed my jacket for me. I placed it on and he held his hand out for me to take. I took his hand and he led me out of the house.


Klaus, Elijah, Hayley, me, and the other mourners walked behind Cami's coffin as the jazz band played. I held Klaus's hand the whole time as the band led us to Rousseau's. Hayley planned this perfectly, Camille would be proud.

The jazz band started to play again at Cami's wake, mourners were gathered inside and I stood nearby Cami's coffin. Klaus stood next to me. "Excuse me, don't I know you? Sorry.. you just look so familiar." The man said to Klaus and I looked up to see it was Will.

"I have one of those faces," Klaus said to him.

"Did you know her well?" He asked us and I looked at her coffin before nodding.

"We did," I answered him.

"She was a very special girl," Will said.

"There's so polite summation that will do her justice, but you're brave to try and she would have admired that," I said to him when I looked over at him again.

"I haven't read anywhere how she died, do you know?" He asked us.

"An accident. Are you here in a professional capacity officer?" Klaus asked.

"No, just came to pay my respects." He said and walked away. Marcel placed a rose on Cami's coffin before walking past Klaus and me, who watched him sadly.

"Give him time," Elijah said to us.

"Time will not bring Davina back, the one chance to save her was ruined by us for our ends. Marcel's anger is justified. It's best I reach out to him before that anger hardens into something worse." Klaus explained and I nodded.

"Can I give you some advice?" I asked him and he looked down at me. "Just listen to him. Don't talk back or anything. Just listen, that's all he needs right now. He just needs someone who will listen." I told Klaus and he nodded.

"Then maybe you should come with me," Klaus said. "No one can listen to a man pour out his heart better than you."


I walked into the Cemetery and saw Kol and Marcel standing in front of a tomb. I walked up to them and they looked at me shocked. "Davina was my friend too," I said to them. Marcel then kissed her headstone and walked away. I looked down and over to Kol. I walked over to him and took his hand. It was his turn to look down now and I sighed. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Kol."

"I'm sorry as well, Alex." He said and I sighed. We've all lost too much. "At least you cared enough to show up."

"It's the least I could do," I told him.

"I think you're my favorite sister, Alexandria," Kol said and kissed my forehead. He then pulled away and looked like he realized something. "I'm sorry, I know how much you don't -"

"It's ok," I laughed. "I'm trying to embrace my real name. First step: Stop correcting people." I explained. He nodded and we stood there for a while before walking through the Quarter, back to the compound.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now