Chapter 16

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Alex's P.O.V

Aurora had let go of my throat, though she still had a tight hold on me to keep me from moving. Klaus was pacing around the room as he does his best to calm Aurora down and not have her kill me. Good luck with that, darling.

"Honestly, Aurora... These petty displays are so far beneath you. Wild scavenger hunts, threats against innocent acquaintances... They cast you in a very unflattering light. Jealousy's more my game." Klaus said to her.

"Oh, would that I didn't have the need for it," Aurora explained.

"Why should you? Alexandria is no rival to you." He said. I frowned sadly, not sure if Klaus was lying for her benefit or was actually being serious. "Your fears are ridiculous."

"Nik, I have no doubt that you love me. I was just hurt to learn that you would lower yourself to this distraction..." Aurora jerked my very, injured, human body towards him in emphasis, and I groaned in pain as I swayed on my feet. "And particularly when she constitutes a rather fiendish lie," Aurora said. Klaus frowned in confusion, unsure of what she's talking about.

"You were drawn to her under the mistaken belief that she will always tell you the truth, and she tells you that people aren't always bad, but she's not quite the ray of unwavering sunshine that you believe her to be." She said. I looked at Klaus with a pleading expression as Aurora continued to hold me upright by the back of the neck.

"No. There is a darkness in her." Last I checked it's been there since I was 14. "Why else would she be drawn to the darkness? Why else would she be drawn to you? See, I might have my own imperfections, but at least I am not a liar. Whereas Alex here?" Aurora jerked my body around again to emphasize her point, causing me to gasp in pain once again. Could you please stop doing that? "Well, she's... she's just an illusion."


"She's right. Nik, everything I ever said to you is a lie." I said to him. I saw Klaus' eyes fill with confusion. Remember how I said I never call him Nik unless I'm making a point. Well, I never call him Nik if I'm lying, too. I paused for a moment as though I was searching for the words to say, but instead, I headbutted Aurora in the face from behind.

"AHH!" Aurora yelled. She became so furious that she hit me in the head hard enough to knock me out into the blackness.


I woke up on the floor next to the fight cage and groaned in pain as a result of the bleeding head wound Aurora gave me. "Ugh..." I said to myself. "That's the last time I ever do that."

I weakly pulled myself to my feet, groaning all the while. I winced as I touched the bloody wound on my head until I heard footsteps approaching me and spun on my heel to find a newly-turned vampire slowly walking towards me.

"Hey..." I said worriedly.

"I'm so hungry..." He said.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp and turned toward the source of the sound to find that yet another of the fledgling vampires had awakened in transition as well. The first newborn vampire continued to walk toward me, causing a terrified me to back away from him. I gently tried to talk the fledgling vampire, stalking towards me, down.

"Listen to me, all right? You're in transition. You're gonna have to feed on blood." I said to him.

"I know the rules." He said. Yeah well, so do I. Several loud noises were heard behind us, and I fearfully looked around the room as more of the newborn vampires woke up in transition. "Marcel told us. If I don't feed... I die." I turned back to the baby vampire.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now