Chapter 13

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Alex's P.O.V

Anton and I were still in the living room watching football. After a moment, I got up and started picking up beer bottles before walking into the kitchen with them. "Thought I told you to sit still." Anton said. I pretended to be drunk and wobbled on my feet as I walked to dispose of the bottles.

"No. You told me to drink, so I drank, and now I'm cleaning up." I said to him. Anton, who I could tell was suspicious of me, followed me into the kitchen and stared at me menacingly. "How much do you know about Klaus Mikaelson? Because the chances of Lucien coming back are, um... kind of slim."

"You better hope you're wrong, or you might not make it through the night." He said unamused. I continued pretending that I was drunk and slurred my words as I cheerfully rambled to him.

"Oh, I don't think you want to hurt me. See, Klaus is the most ruthless vampire in all of history, and guess what? He's kind of my husband, so maybe you should be the one worrying about whether or not you make it through the night." I said cheerfully.

"You're a bad drunk." He said. I bashed one of the beer bottles against the back of his head, causing Anton to groan in pain. "Oh! Aagh!"

"I think I'm a pretty good drunk considering all the practice I've had."

I then took advantage of Anton's distraction and quickly grabbed the knife laying on the table, pinned his hand down against the tabletop, and severed the finger with his daylight ring from his hand.

"Ooh! I'm gonna kill you." Anton said in pain. He was about to lunge for me when his face and hands started to burn from the sunlight streaming in the windows of the apartment. "Oh..."

"Not while the sun's still out, dumbass," I said to him.

I quickly turned and ran toward the door, dropping Anton's severed finger onto the ground once I had extricated the ring from it. Once out in the hallway, I made a beeline for the elevator as I pushed the button to summon it to the top floor with my free hand as I hold onto Anton's daylight ring in the other.

Waiting for the elevator only made me more nervous, and I anxiously paced around for a few moments until I paused to hit the button again. Just then, the elevator arrived, and I was about to rush through the opened doors when I suddenly stopped in my tracks at the sight of who is already inside. There was a long, red-headed girl, who smiled fakely at me.

"You must be Alex." She said to me. My eyes widen in fear as she continued to stare at me threateningly, stepping back to allow me to enter the elevator. Why does this always happen to me when I'm human?


Klaus's P.O.V

I was in Lucien's penthouse, where I was taking out my frustrations on Anton by shoving him back so hard he fell flat on his back on the ground at Lucien's feet. He groaned in pain. "Uh!" Anton said. I angrily pulled a painting off of the wall and slammed it sideways into the corner of the wall until it smashed into pieces.

"Rrgh! Raagh!" I yelled. I picked up a broken piece of wood to use as a makeshift stake before storming back over to where Anton is crouched on the floor and cradling his injured hand. "Where is she?" I roared at the top of my lungs.

"I told you. She took my daylight ring and ran." Anton said to me. I was so enraged by this answer that I drove the stake into Anton's chest without another word. "UHHHH!" Anton's skin desiccated and turned gray as he died from the stake to his heart. Once he's dead, I turned to Lucien with a murderous glint in my eyes.

"This is your fault," I said to him.

"Well, to be fair, if Alex had done as she was told, she'd still be here, so technically, it's her fault," Lucien said nervously. I growled under my breath and stalked toward Lucien, who anxiously backed far away from me and attempted to talk me down. "Ah, ah. Now, you may hate me for involving your wife, but I needed your full attention. You certainly don't listen to me, despite my nonstop efforts to keep you alive."

Lucien picked up a small box with a fleur-de-lis statue on the lid and opened it up to reveal a dark object inside. He handed the open box out to me as a peace offering, but I just stared at him suspiciously.

"If that really is the weapon that can lock me away for eternity, why hand it over?" I asked him.

"Proof of my loyalty. Yes. I sided with Tristan, but it's quite clear his devotion to Aurora outweighs even the value he places on his own life. Take it. It's yours." Lucien said. I hesitated for a moment before reaching out and taking the bronze medallion from the box.


I had just arrived at Alex's apartment. I knocked not he door and Hayley answered. "Is Alex here?" I asked her and she shook her head. 

"Klaus, what's wrong? where's Alex?" Hayley asked, but I sped away to Jackson square. Alex said once that if she was ever scared or hiding that she would come here. I looked around in a panic and immediately called out for her.

"Alex? Alexandria?" I yelled and pulled out my phone when she didn't answer me, but I only became more worried when the other line rang once before going straight to voicemail.

"It's Alex. Leave a message. But if this is you, Caroline. Please just call my brothers or Alaric. You will be a good mom and it's not impossible for a vampire to be pregnant, just look at who you're trying to call." Alex said in the voicemail. The greeting was followed by a beep, and I took a deep breath before leaving her a message.

"I need... I need to know you're safe. Call me back, please." I said to her voicemail shakily. I then started to think back to what Tristan said earlier about Alex's first love begin here. I then processed to call Stefan after I left Alex a voicemail.

"Look I know your family now, but I'm kind of dealing with something," Stefan said and I sighed.

"Who is John Ashton?" I asked him and I could hear Stefan stand up from his seat.

"Where did you hear that name?"

"An old friend who said he was in town and meant something to Alex," I explained.

"Listen to me. If Alex has ever talked to you about him, she would have said I didn't like him. And I don't. Damon liked him, even our father did. But Alex loved him with everything she had." Stefan began to explain.

"Stefan gets to the point," I said.

"Ok, the point is that he is pure evil. He's worse than Kathrine, worse than you." I laughed. "I'm not joking Klaus. Katherine didn't turn Alex on us, John did. So when John died, Alex and Damon believed that Katherine compelled him too. But trust me on this, if you ever, and I mean ever, let Alex near him again...You will lose her." Stefan explained and I looked down. I then hung up and turned around to see a man standing behind me.

"Can I help you?" I asked him rudely and he laughed at me.

"Sorry, but were you just talking to Stefan Salvatore?" He asked me and I looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes, why?" I asked him.

"I'm sorry where are my manners." He said and held out his hand to me with a smile. "My name's John, John Aston."

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now