Chapter 21

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Alex's P.O.V 

"Alex!" I heard someone yell barley as I opened up my eyes. "Alex!" I heard two voices yell and I looked to my right to see Jackson and Hayley.

"Are you okay?" Jackson asked and I looked around, then nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," I said. "I was...I was going to go check on Cami since she didn't answer her phone...and that's the last thing I remember." I explained to them.

I looked to see Hayley, covered in blood and bruises, to find that we have been chained up in the back of an auto shop. We were all sitting in chairs with our wrists shackled down to the chair. I immediately began trying to break through my restraints to save them, but Jackson and Hayley, who awakened before me, weakly tried to stop me.

"I tried that. I tried that. The more you struggle, the more wolfsbane gets pumped into your veins." Hayley said to me quietly.

I looked back and realized that our shackles were hooked up to IV lines inserted into our veins and that the IV bags behind us were full of wolfsbane-laced water. When I looked down at the floor, I saw that Jackson and Hayley's pants legs are stained red and that a huge puddle of blood surrounds their feet on the floor.

"Jack, Hals, your legs. Are you guys okay?" I asked them.

"Yeah, they worked us over pretty good. With all the... the wolfsbane in our system, We ain't healing so well." Jackson said.

"Just breathe. When we get a chance to fight, be ready." I said anxiously. Jackson and Hayley give me a sadden look as I continued to try to break free of my chains, despite the increasing amounts of wolfsbane being infused through my body.

"Alex. Alex, listen. I don't know if we're gonna get that chance -" She said and I cut her off.

"Stop. We are gonna get out of here, Hals." I said and Jackson turned to Hayley.

"I love you. Okay? I've... I've always loved you." Jackson said to her and I watched them.

"I love you too..." Hayley said and Jackson looked at me.

"Alex when we first met -" He said.

"Don't -" I said scared.

"When I first saw you and Hayley, I broke. You two broke me, and nothing has ever been the same since. I just want you to know that it was all real. Every moment, every word. You were and always will be my family." He said. I looked devastated by how defeated Jackson sounded just as Tristan walked into the room.

"How absolutely darling! Or pathetic. I suppose it's all relative." Tristan said. I glared at him with hatred and continued to try to break out of my restraints as he walked towards us.

"You let us out of here, or so help me, I will kill you!" I yelled and he rolled his eyes.

"Hmmm. Somehow, I doubt it. I've been pondering this moment since your friend here tortured me on your behalf -" I tried even harder to break out of her shackles as Tristan stood next to Hayley and stared at her.

"UGH!" I yelled and he ignored me. He then bit his wrist and fed it to Hayley.

"- What's the best way to truly hurt a hybrid? And then it came to me." Tristan said and pulled his wrist out of her mouth. He snapped her neck, making her a hybrid.

"NO!!" I roared at the top of my lungs as Jackson did. Just then, Tristan grabbed Jackson by his hair and yanked his head back so he can plunge his hand into Jackson's chest at vampire speed, causing Jackson to groan in pain as I screamed at the top of my lungs again.

"UGH!" Jackson sid.

"No! NO!" I yelled. Tristan ripped out Jackson's heart, killing him, and I became hysterical with fury and grief, desperately trying to break out of my shackles to kill him.

"AHH! NO! NO! AHHH! AHHHH! AHHHH!" I screamed. Tristan let go of Jackson's head and stared in satisfaction as I continued to scream hysterically.



Hayley had just woken up and looked at Jackson to see he was dead. "No," Hayley said and tried to break free. I was still sobbing after Jackson's death and now so was Hayley. We had been left alone in the room with his body, which is still sitting chained up in the chair next to us. I looked over at him. Hayley looked at me as I was overwhelmed with grief once again.

"Hayley, I'm so sorry. I never should have brought any of this into your life or Jackson's. I was so selfish. I never met anyone, who wasn't my family, that always just there for me." I said. Hayley looked at me sadly as tears feel down her face. I became choked up and began to sob again before I continued. "But I will make them suffer for this, I promise you. I will make all of them suffer."

"What's happening to me?" She asked me and I sighed. "All I can think about is blood and all I feel is anger."

"You're in transition," I said and she looked at me in shock. "Tristan he made you a hybrid."

"It's not your fault," Hayley said to me and I looked up at her.

"Yes, it is."

"No, it's not."

"YES, IT IS!" I yelled at her. I could see she was scared of me now. "Hayley! You've seen what I'm like! I never wanted this for you! And if I never met you or Jack, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation." I began to calm down and she looked at me sympathetically.

"We're going to be ok," Hayley said to me and I looked down. But I didn't say anything.

I just sat there.


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