Chapter 38

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Alex's P.O.V

I had just finished helping the last of the werewolves when Klaus hung up his phone and returned to the main room in the laboratory to talk to me. "Freya's safe." He said.

"What about the others?" I asked him, relieved.

"Well, Finn's in a bad way. Some kind of werewolf bite. Elijah thinks I should return home and heal him. Ease his pain." Klaus explained to me and I gave him a look.

"Klaus, you should go. As soon as these last few recover, I'll get them home, gather what I can, and torch this place." I said to him. He chuckled as he walked towards me.

"No. Finn can purge it himself. He's earned the agony. Besides, you know how much I love burning things to the ground." Klaus said to me.

"Klaus, when you said that you wanted to work together for Hope and Shawn's sake, I wanted to know what that looked like. And now, I do. I appreciate you helping me rescue the wolves, but if there is any chance of making Finn an ally, you should take it. Go." I said to him and he looked torn but then nodded.

"Stay safe," Klaus said and kissed my forehead before looking back at me.

"I will," I said to him, then he turned around and left.


I was pouring gasoline all over the laboratory, including the dead vampire's corpse, while the middle-aged werewolf man watched me. When I was done, I walked over to speak with him. "Go outside and tell the others to keep their eyes peeled for trouble. As soon as this place burns, I'll take you back to the Crescents." I said to him and he formed.

"I'm not from there. One was. He died last week. We're from the seven packs: Deep Water, Malraux, BasRoq, Barry, Poldark... I'm a Paxon." He explained to me and I looked at him shocked.

"Wow. They had to look long and hard to find one of you." I said to him.

"They wanted our venom." He said to me. He walked towards me and pointed to the dead vampire. "They kept... pumping it into her over and over and over again. Then they'd heal her with some drug. Except for that last time. They shot her up with something so powerful... there was no saving her." I was horrified by this information for a moment before returning to the task at hand.

"Go. I'm gonna burn this hellhole." I said to him.

The man nodded sadly and left. I was furious and reached into my pocket, then pulled out a lighter before lighting it and throwing it at the feet of the dead vampire before I turned and walked away. The laboratory quickly burst into flames behind me.


I got back to New Orleans and walked into the compound. I walked into the room and joined everybody else. They were talking about Lucien and what he was. "I might. Klaus and I found Lucien's R & D lab full of werewolves. He's harvesting venom, but not to find a cure. He's trying to create a more lethal strain." I explained to them.

"Well, that must be what he added to the spell to make him whatever the hell he is now. He kept boasting about having something that would make him better than an Original." Freya said angrily.

"Klaus is descended from one of the seven original wolf bloodlines. I am descended from another. Lucien's venom... is derived from all seven packs." I said. Klaus' eyes widened in horror when he realized the implications.

"Giving him a bite that not even I can cure," Klaus said to him.

"There were two vials of serum, and he only drank one. Maybe it's because the spell will wear off eventually and he'll need another dose?" Freya asked. Klaus has a dawning realization that makes his face go cold.

"Or he made enough for two." Elijah and I frowned in confusion at Klaus' terrified face. "Aurora."

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now