Chapter 23

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Alex's P.O.V

I pulled Cami over to where Hayley was. "You both need to feed," I said and Hayley nodded. Elijah walked over when Hayley started to faint and picked her up, then looked at me.

"Go. Get her back to the compound." I told him and he sped away. I looked over at Cami.

"I'm not going to complete it. And if you try to make me-"

"Cami, Cami! Hey." She stopped and looked at me. "I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to do...ok?" I said to her. We hugged and I sighed.

"You're a great friend, Alex."

"And you're the best of friends, Camille," I said to her and we laughed as we pulled away. I started to walked away with her when Klaus chased after us.

"Where are you going?" Klaus said. We tried to ignore him and continued walking. Though Cami became weaker and weaker, she started to wobble on her feet. "Are you so eager to die?" Cami rolled her eyes at my husband.

"I'm already dead," Cami said and I smiled at her as I helped her walk. Klaus continued to follow us despite knowing Cami was still mad at him, for some unknown reason.

"Well, at least let me thank you." He said and she stopped walking. I stopped too and we both turned to face him with a confused expression. Or at least I was confused.

"Do not mistake me helping your family with forgiveness for what you tried to do! My choice in this is the only thing I have left, and no one is taking that away from me. You need to get that." She said and turned to walk away again. Klaus sped in front of her, to block her way, and I sighed in annoyance as he pleads with her.

"Camille, I'm begging you," Klaus said. She gave him a look and continued walking, but when Klaus attempted to follow her again, I stopped him. I looked at him sadly, considering the situation, but wanted to keep my husband from ruining his relationship with our friend. "I won't let her die."

"If you care for her, as much as I do, you'll let her choose," I said to him. Klaus, annoyed, swatted my hand away from him and jerked out of my grip.

"I will not let you lose someone else because of your stupid principles!" He said and I grabbed his face so he would look at me. He slowly started to calm down, but I could tell he was still angry with me.

"Allow her the dignity of this choice, Klaus. We didn't get a choice...but she does. Let her choose. And whatever she chooses, whether she wants to live or die, I will be both happy and sad." I explained to him. Klaus gulped anxiously, and I gave him a serious look. Klaus nodded as Elijah walked up to us and I turned to look at him.

"Hayley's home and safe, but doesn't want to complete it without you." He said to me and I nodded. "We need to finish this."


The Mikaelson brothers, along with a slowly healing me, walked over to the shipping container to talk to Tristan, who seemed resigned to his fate. "So, this is to be my end?" He asked us. Elijah smiled at him patronizingly, and Klaus smirked as he leaned against the door of the container. However, I continued to scowl at him with hatred and fury.

"No, no. This is the very beginning! You are going to the bottom of the ocean, where you will drown in darkness again and again and again over the course of centuries." As Elijah spoke, a tear rolled down my cheek as I remembered how Tristan killed Jackson and turned Hayley. "This will be your splendidly horrific and perpetual end," Elijah said gleefully.

"What have you done with my sister?" Tristan asked anxiously and Klaus's smile just got wider.

"Nothing... yet. But, I assure you, her death will be spectacular." He said to him. Tristan looked even more worried now, but when Elijah and Klaus go to close the door, I stopped them.

"Wait," I said and walked forward so that I can look Tristan straight in the eyes. "You took a very good man from this world. And change one of the best people I know into a monster. Now that man will be with me and Hayley forever, but you? You will be forgotten. And as you rot in the ocean, remember my face." I reached over to grabbed the shipping container door and began to close it. "Because it's gonna be the last one you ever see," I said coldly and slammed the door shut with a loud bang. I then turned to the brothers who were staring at me.

"First we deal with Hayley...then Cami," I said to them and they nodded as we walked away.


Klaus, Elijah, and I walked into the baby's room were Hayley was looking over at the kids. She turned to us and ran up to me. We hugged and she cried into my shoulder. I rubbed her back as Elijah picked up Hope and pricked her finger, so a drop of blood would come out. Hayley looked at it and then looked away.

"It's ok, Hayley," I said to her. "You won't hurt her and I'll help you through this, ok?" I said and she nodded. She walked up to a crying Hope and kiss the blood away. She then turned to me and walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at Elijah as he rocked Hope till she calmed down. "Take her to the Bayou..." I said to him when he put Hope down and Elijah sped out of the room.

"What about you?" Klaus asked and I turned to him.

"I'll meet up with them after I check on Cami. Stay with the kids. I'll be back later." I told him and he nodded, then I sped away.


I hesitantly walked onto Cami's front step and into the house, where I was drawn into the living room by the sound of a loud slurping noise. I was both surprised and a little concerned when I saw that the table is covered in several empty blood bags and that she had just finished the one in her hands.

"Camille?" I asked nervously.

"I hope you don't mind, Lex - I helped myself to the Mikaelson family blood stash," Cami said. She licked a smear of blood from her thumb, and I still looked worried, though less so now that I know she had chosen to live as a vampire rather than die as a human.

"And how do you feel?"

"I have to admit... At first, it felt strange, that metallic taste. But then, it was like electricity coursing through my body. A million stars exploding in my mind all at once like nothing I have ever felt before. It was amazing." She said. Cami stood to her feet and walked over to me confidently. Once we were face-to-face, she smiled at me devilishly with blood still staining her lips. "And all I can think now is... I want to do it again." I smiled at her.

"Well, good...I guess? I'll be back soon." I said and turned to walk away when she stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked worriedly, yet not worried? To be completely honest with you Cami is giving me mixed vibes right now.

"To say goodbye to Jackson," I said sadly and headed for the door. "Stay here. I'll be back soon."


It was night time, Hayley and I were dressed all in black and sitting on the porch of my old shack, where Hayley was writing the name "Jackson Kenner" into the Labonair Bible left to us by Eve. After a moment, Elijah approached us from behind and brushed my shoulder with his hand.

"It's time," Elijah said gently and I looked to see Hayley looking at me.

She took a deep breath and shut the Bible before we started to head to the funeral. Once at the lake, I took a torch from one of the Crescent wolves and held it while Hayley said her goodbyes to Jackson. I looked down at his body, wrapped in white sheets and resting on a wooden boat as per Crescent tradition, and started to cry a little as Hayley covered his face with the sheet. Hayley then grabbed a bottle of whiskey and took a large swig of it before she poured the rest on his body.

She turned to take the torch from me, and I watched her silently as she took it and set Jackson's body ablaze. Elijah then took the torch and walked away to give us some space. Hayley and I licked our arms together, while she laid her head on my shoulder.

"I do," Hayley whispered and closed her eyes as tears fell down her cheeks, while I brought her into a hug, in order to comfort her. The boat was sent onto the lake, where Jackson was given the traditional Viking funeral while all of his friends and family watch mournfully.

"Goodbye, brother." 

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now