Chapter 42

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Alex's P.O.V

John's corpse still rested on the bed where he died, though I had his body covered. I was contemplating while looking outside a window. "Did you bring it?" I heard Klaus ask Hayley when she walked into the room.

Klaus hasn't left my side since John died. He knows what happens when I lose someone. I either got angry or I got sad. But this time I was neither and it scared him. It scared me too because I had no idea what I would do if someone ticked me off. Hayley had been taking care of the kids with Klaus. They would switch between who watched me and who watched the kids.

"Jack wrote down everything your father told him about the ancient werewolves. I've read it. I don't think there's anything in there that's gonna help us kill Lucien, though." Hayley said to him and I looked over my shoulder at the journal.

"I'll see for myself," Klaus said and I waited for her to leave, but she didn't.

"What, Hayley?" I asked her and she sighed.

"Alex, I don't know how John wanted to be buried..."

"I do. He wanted to be buried in Mystic Falls." I started and turned around.

"Ok, fine. But I think that we should do something about the other body...about Cami." I looked down sad. "I know that she wanted an Irish wake. I can- I can make the arrangements." Hayley said and I looked up at her.

"It doesn't matter what she wanted! She's gone. There's no time to sing dirges. We're at war." Klaus said and Hayley looked at me, ignoring my husband. I looked away from her and she seemed disappointed.

"Yeah... Okay." She said then left.


I sat in the courtyard, with John's body next to me, waiting for Matt. He walked in, looking annoyed, and I walked up to him. "Why am I here Alex?" Matt asked.

"I need a favor." Matt didn't seem pleased by this, but I stopped him. "Please, Matt," I begged him as my eyes began to tear up. He noticed and looked at me concerned.

"Alex, are you ok?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No. No, I'm not ok, Matt." I said to him and he brought me into his arms. I cried and he rubbed my back. "My friend. He's dead." Matt pulled me away and looked at me as he wiped my tears.

"What do you need me to do?" He asked me.

"I need you to take his body and bury him in Mystic Falls with the Aston family," I said to him and he nodded. "And out of respect for you, I won't go into town."


"No, Matt...You were right. Wherever I go destruction follows me. Just please do this one favor and you'll never hear from me again." I said and he nodded.

"Ok, but I expect a phone call every Christmas from you." He said and I laughed while nodding. Matt walked over with me to John's body. "What's his name?"

"Jonathan Henery Aston," I said to him and he sighed. Matt grabbed the body and we walked to his car. A girl walked out and looked at us confused.

"Penny met Alex, Alex met Penny. I owe her a favor." He said and opened the trunk. I walked over and kissed John's forehead.

"Goodbye, my love," I whispered, then walked away so Matt could close the trunk. I turned to find Penny holding a gun at me and I was surprised, though my face held no emotion. Matt stepped in front of me.

"Penny put the gun down." He said to her.

"Did you kill that man?" Penny asked me and I looked at her with anger.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now