Chapter 26

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Alex's P.O.V

Elijah was looking around his study while I, still sad and exhausted, stood in front of him and talked to him. Also, I convince Hayley to come live with us and she agreed. "Okay, so what's the plan? Cami's out there with the white oak, and I'm not gonna lose one more person that I care about." I said to him.

"Niklaus can handle Camille. Until then, I'll keep Aya distracted." Elijah explained. He pulled out what looked like an ornately carved wooden scroll cover out of a desk drawer, and I hesitated for a moment before I replied.

"Why don't you just kill her?" I asked. He, begin clearly embarrassed by what he's about to tell me, paused, unable to look me in the eye.

"She and I have history," Elijah answered and I wasn't too thrilled by that answer.

"You two had a thing?"

"Aya was a towering intellect with an insatiable curiosity. Passionate, fearless, and something of an outcast." Elijah looked at me with a serious expression. "Long ago, I invited her... to join a rather elite company. I determined she was perfectly tailored to bear the responsibility of immortal life. I made her like me." He explained and I nodded in understanding.

"She was one of the first Strix."

"We cared for one another deeply." Elijah looks ashamed by what happened and explained his reasoning for what came after. "Together, we created a fellowship unburdened by the limitations of man. It was the pursuit of a glorious new world." He said and sighed deeply.

"And then Father..." Yeah, Mikael ruins everything, I get it. Elijah paused and sat down on the edge of his desk. "Led by that unquenchable desire to slay his children, Mikael descended, accompanied by a small army. He laid to waste everything that I built. So... We had no choice but to run." Elijah explained and smiled weakly.

"Aya did not. So, when Tristan found her, he rescued her. She, of course, came to see him as something of a savior. And, in time, beneath his corrupted guidance, they made the Strix what they are today - a hive of depraved and ignorant savages." He said and hesitated for a moment before continuing in a quiet voice. "And she's never forgiven me." Elijah looked down at the scroll in his hands with a sad expression. "I'm not entirely certain I've ever forgiven myself."

"Well, given all that... How exactly do you plan on keeping her distracted?" I asked him. Elijah held up his scroll before he turned to leave.

"With a little salt... in an old wound." He said and walked out of the room.


Hope and Shawn were crying and I ran into the room, where all the noise was coming from, with an unhappy expression, because my husband was the source of the reason why our children woke up early. "Hey! Hey! Are you serious with all that noise?!" I yelled at him.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Has my therapist, your friend's, betrayal inconvenienced your otherwise tranquil day?" Klaus said and I sighed in exasperation.

"Our children have been upset. They're... still dealing with the fact that Jack is gone, and the only thing that calms our daughter, at least, is her favorite toy, which Cami stole to get back at you." I said and my tone became even more frustrated. "So, if you wake either of them up with all this slamming around, so help me, Cami will be the least of your problems." Klaus sighed dramatically and lowered his voice.

"It pains me that Hope, Shawn, and you are upset." My husband said in a sweet tone. At least he cares, but I only say that because I've barely talked to him. Mainly because he's ignoring me. Klaus's tone then became more sarcastic. "So, I'll add it to the long list of grievances I'm already tallying, hmm?" When I realized just how stressed out he was, I became gentler and more sympathetic.

"I know that you're angry at Cami, Klaus, but you know as well as I do that she's not in her right mind," I told him.

"I beg to differ. Camille seems quite lucid, tucked away behind the barrier spell in the City of the Dead as she taunts me with the very means of my demise!" Klaus said frustratedly and left.


It was night time, I walked into the courtyard when I saw John standing there. "Get out!" I yelled at him. Klaus and Cami happened to be walking in as I stormed down the stairs and towards my ex. "GET OUT!" I shouted at him and he placed his hands in front of me in order to stop me. Elijah and Hayley walked out of there room to see what was going on with a worried look on their face.

"Now, Alexandria, wait -" I cut him off by pinning him to the wall by his throat.

"You compelled me to stab myself and handed me over to the Strix. Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip out your heart." I sneered at him and he gasped. Oh, yeah, John was the reason Jackson, Hayley, and I were with the Strix, sorry if I forgot to mention that earlier. I let him go, after a while, and backed away from him.

"I just want to talk." He said and I laughed at him fakely.

"And I want to rip your heart out."

"Alex, you're angry and sad, and I know you're hurt. I also know you never think clearly when you're like this." He back away when I walked closer to him. "Please just spend the day with me tomorrow. Let me explain everything." John begged and I stared at him.


"Because I let jealousy cloud my thoughts when I made you stab yourself," John said. "I just wanted to hurt Klaus, and sadly there's only one way to hurt him...and that's to hurt you."

"Then man up and move on." I snapped. I turned around to walk away, but he sped in front of me. I chuckled and looked away from him.

"Alexandria," I looked at him. "Please." He begged. I looked into his eyes and sighed. Why do you hate me universe?

"Fine. Tomorrow meet me at Jackson Square Park. 'Til then leave me the hell alone." I said to him and when I blinked he was gone, but what I did see was a very unhappy Klaus. "Oh no, you don't get to judge me today."

"Why not? You just agreed to go talk to your ex." Klaus said as he walked up to me and I laughed.

"You're one to talk. You slept with Aurora and last time I checked...she was your ex." I said to him and he looked down. "Me talking to John will do no harm." I went to walk around him but he grabbed my arm.

"Alex, I know you're in pain, and I'm sorry-" I cut him off and ripped my arm out of his hold.

"Yes, I'm in pain. Jackson's dead because of the Strix wanted to get back at me. Cami's a vampire because Aurora was jealous of me. Hayley a hybrid because Tristan wanted to cause me so much fucking pain that I'm letting it out on the one person who doesn't deserve it!" I screamed at him and he went silent. I looked at him and try to calm myself down. "And you've been ignoring me ever since Jackson died," I said to him on the brink of tears.

"I haven't been ignoring you," Klaus said softly and I felt a tear.

"Please, just stop," I said to him. "Stop, lying to me. Stop it. Because it's only causing me more pain. You don't deserve to be yelled at Klaus. You're just trying to help me by helping Cami, but you lying to me isn't helping." The room was silent. No one moved or said a word. Klaus and I just stared at each other sadly. "I miss you ok." I began to cry. "I miss you. I miss when you used to talk to me. I miss when we used to just walk around the city, to just take a break from," I gestured to everything around us. "All your family's bullshit. You've been ignoring me and I don't know why. So please just tell me why?"

Klaus opened his mouth then closed it, not knowing what to say or how to say it. I just looked down sadly and turned to walk away from him. Klaus sped in front of me and we stared at each other. He brought me into a hug and the next thing I knew I was crying in his arms.

"Shh. Sh. Shhh." He said and kissed my forehead. "I haven't been ignoring you. I've seen you taking care of Hayley and Cami as new vampires. I've seen your comfort Hayley in her time of need and teach her everything she needs to know. And I've seen you take care of me even." Klaus rubbed my back as I held onto him tighter. "But right now you need to take care of yourself and take some time to heal." He explained and kissed my forehead as he held me there. 

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now