Chapter 20

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Alex's P.O.V

I was looking out onto the streets of the French Quarter on Klaus's balcony. Cami was at home and the kids were asleep. I turned and saw him looking at me. "You look..." Klaus said and I smiled at him in amusement.

"Don't say tired. You've lived long enough to know you should never tell your wife that she looks tired!" I said to him and Klaus smiled widely at me.

"I was going to say 'contemplative.'" Klaus said. I rolled my eyes and laughed sarcastically. "A penny for your thoughts?"

"I was thinking about you..." I said to him. Klaus' mouth gaped open in shock, as though he wasn't expecting me to say that. "...And what Rebekah said." I turned so I could look at Klaus in the eyes. "Is she right? Do you see me as this fragile thing that needs to be kept behind glass? To protect me from Aurora...?" Klaus' smile fell at the reminder of me being taken captive by his crazy ex.

"Don't. Please. When I think of all the ways she could have hurt you..." He said.

"She didn't. Klaus, she didn't... Because of you. I've lost count of the number of times you've been there for me and everyone you care about. But today? You helped my friend save someone who doesn't mean a thing to you. Why?" I asked him.

"Because you wished it. Because what's important to you is important to me. What makes you happy makes me want to keep you so. What scares you I want to tear apart." Klaus said. He hesitated, and I was completely stunned at this declaration of affection from him. "I do not wish to watch you from behind glass, Alexandria."

"What do you wish?" I asked.

Klaus stared me in the eyes for a long moment before quickly leaning in and crashing his lips against mine. I wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, as Klaus slides his arms around my waist. But something was different about this kiss. It had so much more love in it. Like it would be our last kiss. Klaus eventually pulled away, and I smiled in bliss before giggling happily, which made Klaus laugh as well.


I woke up next to Klaus and saw he was laying on his side, facing me with his eyes close. He looked so peaceful. This is what I missed. I fixed his hair, without waking him up, and walked out onto the balcony again closing the door behind me.

I sighed and looked over at Hayley's apartment to see the lights all off and the tv screen on. I laughed and felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned to see John behind me. He smiled and I stared at him with hate.

"What are you doing here? I thought I told you to leave." I said to him and he showed me the ring from earlier. He looked down at it with a smile.

"Do you remember when I gave this to you?" I kept my eyes on him. "It was outside the Lockwood property, after my little sister's wedding, and I had told you 'I love you' for the first time and the I was going to fight in the war," John explained and looked up at my cold expression.

"Your point?"

"My point is...I know you're still in love with me." John said and back me up until I was just in between the railing and him. "That you don't completely love Klaus." He whispered and I stared at him.

"You're wrong."

"Am I? Or are you just too scared to admit it?" John asked me. "Just wear the ring...That's all I ask." He backed away and handed it to me. I took it, sighed, then put it on my pointer finger.

"There. Happy?" I asked annoyed and he smirked.

"Very much." He said to me. John then sped up to me and grabbed my head. "You're going to take this stake and ram it through your stomach once you're laying back in bed again." He placed a stake in my hand. "Then you're going to forget what we talked about and the kiss we're about to share until the task is done. Only then can you take off the ring but you will never remember the kiss." He compelled me. John then kissed me and vanished. I looked around confused.

"What the hell am I doing out here?" I asked myself. I then walked back inside and saw Klaus was still asleep. I laid down and then took the stake in my hand, and stabbed myself in the stomach.

"AHH!" I screamed and Klaus shot awake. He looked at me confused and I saw Elijah run as well because he heard me scream. Klaus grabbed the stake and I took my other hand and pushed it in further.

"Alex!" Klaus yelled. Elijah tried to help Klaus take it out, but I kept pushing it in.

"Freya!" Elijah yelled and she came running in.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"I don't know," Klaus said and I screamed again. Freya looked at me and did a spell then looked at her brothers.

"She's been compelled," Freya said and they looked at me shocked.

Then I stopped. I stopped fighting them and pulled it out of my stomach. They stared at me confused and Klaus pulled me into his lap. Before he bit his wrist and placed it to my mouth. I fed off his blood and sat up. I looked at my hand and grabbed the ring John gave me before throwing it across the room and wiped my lips off for some weird reason. I was panting and clung onto to Klaus. He rubbed my arm and rocked me back and forth, while Freya walked over and picked up the ring.

"Where did you get this?" Freya asked me.

"It was the Christmas gift I opened. But John came by and he made me wear it..." I said and Klaus shushed me when I began to cry out of shock.

"It's okay, you're safe now," Klaus said and I held onto him tighter.

"It has a spell cast on it. It's how he was able to compel you." I looked down as Freya explained before walking out of the room to examine the ring. Elijah looked at me.

"Are you alright?" Elijah asked and I nodded.

"Just tired," I said to him and he nodded. Elijah left me and Klaus alone. Klaus kept rocking me back and forth until I fell asleep in his arms.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now