Chapter 28

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Alex's P.O.V

I had just led Cami into the church that has become Marcel's fight gym, and Cami gave me a skeptical look as I tossed my coat on the nearby bench press. "So this is you taking me to school?" She asked.

"There is a fight coming, Cami. That's what the prophecy says. And you're not gonna be much good to the home team if you're just standing around, waving a bunch of antiques." I said to her. Cami rolled her eyes and scoffed as she pulled out what appeared to be a small wooden box.

"Huh. Do you see this? This will paralyze anyone who tries to attack me." Cami said.

"Great. But... then what? You need to learn how to defend yourself." I said to her. "When I taught Hayley this, she was absolutely thrilled."

"Come on, Alex, everyone knows a baby vamp is borderline useless. Even Josh and Hayley could wipe the floors with me. I need these." Cami said.

"I'm not saying throw them away," I said. She narrowed her eyes at me, not sure where I was going with this, and I looked around the room before getting an idea on how to talk to her. "This used to be a church, right? And then it got condemned." I started to pace around the room while we talked and Cami watched me impatiently.

"If Marcel hadn't seen the possibilities, someone would've bulldozed it and turned it into some generic chain store. It's still a church. But it's also something more. I'm a hybrid, but I'm also a mom. And a wife. And an Alpha. You are a psychologist. And a bartender. And, yes, you have some insane family legacy that comes with a bunch of cool toys, but..." I said to her. I walked over to Cami and stared at her with a serious expression, though it's clear that I do care about Cami's well-being.

"If you don't embrace the fact that you're also a vampire now, you're gonna end up dead. For real, this time." I said to her. Cami looked both annoyed and surprised by this response from me.

"You know, I'm not used to being on the receiving end of solid advice," Cami said to me.

"Well, you caught me on a good day."

"So now what?" She asked.

"We're gonna get in that ring and you're gonna try and punch me," I said. I walked over to where the equipment was held, and Cami smiled at me, visibly impressed by what I'm doing.


Cami and I were in the ring, where she had just lunged at me to punch me in the face, though I dodged the first hit, blocked the second, and then tripped Cami so that she fell against the chain-link fence wall.

"Again," I said. Cami turned and swung at me, who once again dodged her hit before speeding behind her and pinning Cami's arm behind her back for a moment before shoving her against the ring. "Again! Come on, post-grad, you can do better than that." Cami, getting frustrated and aggressive now, lunged at me at vampire-speed and went to punch me, but I swatted her arm away and grabbed her in a choke-hold, raising her up in the air before throwing her into the wall.

"Ah!" Cami said.

"Again," I said to her.

Before I can even react farther, Cami sped towards me, tackled me, flipped us so I was on top, and then kicked me across the ring, where I was thrown against the wall and bounced down onto the floor. Rather than begin mad, I was actually impressed as I wiped the blood from my mouth and the two of us stand to our feet to catch our breath.

"Oh, look at you. We keep that up, you might be giving Josh and Hayley a run for their money." I said to her. Cami gave me a serious and appreciative look.

"Hey... Thanks for coming to find me today." Cami said. I rolled my eyes as I wiped my bloody lips on my shirt-sleeve.

"Oh, don't get all mushy on me. You're a bartender. You can thank me with a beer or a bottle of bourbon. Like on the first day we meet." I said to her.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now