Chapter 8

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Alex's P.O.V

I felt a tap on my shoulder and saw Marcel. He pulled me over and explained his plan. "Are you sure?" I asked him quietly and he nodded. Marcel held up his arm and I bit him. He groaned quietly in pain after I pulled away, then rolled his sleeve back down to hide the bite.

"So, Klaus came up to you when he was drunk," Marcel said and I shrugged, while the bartender handed me another drink.

"Eh, nothing I haven't seen with Damon. But in all fairness," I leaned closer to him. "It was funny," I whispered and he chuckled. We pulled away when we heard someone walk towards us.

"If you'd please come with us, Mr. Gerard..." The girl said and Marcel looked at me before following them. I followed behind them then took a different path, so they wouldn't notice.


I heard someone scream and a table break. I looked alarmed and pushed my way to the front of the crowd because I wanted to intervene, but I was stopped at the last moment. Elijah followed me, apparently, and we stood next to Tristan and that girl.

Meanwhile, Marcel had just thrown off all of the broken table pieces that landed on him and turned to find the guy he was fighting standing above him, looking mildly pleased by his quick victory. Marcel sped to his feet, grabbed one of the broken table legs, and backhanded the guy in the face with it, grunting from the exertion.

The guy grabbed Marcel in a choke-hold, and Marcel, alarmed, desperately punched at his chest in an attempt to get free. He then gripped Marcel by the shoulders and head-butted him before throwing him through the brick wall behind them, causing him to land on the floor of the next room.

The guy climbed through the hole in the wall and lunged for Marcel, who continued to punch him, only to be shoved face-first into a large shelf full of dishes. We heard the fight, but couldn't see it, until Marcel tackled Mohinder so hard that they once again broke through the wall and back into the room, where they land at an entertained Tristan and Aya's feet. Yeah, I asked Elijah what their names were.

Marcel saw that he dropped the stake and crawled across the broken bricks and wood to grab it, but Mohinder saw him and kicked him so hard he rolled sideways away from the stake. Marcel kicked him to get him the time necessary to stand on his feet and began punching Mohinder hard in the face over and over again until he threw Marcel into a nearby table and smashed it as well.

Finally, Mohinder pulled the weakened Marcel up to his feet, vamped-out, and sunk his fangs into Marcel's neck, feeding deeply. Elijah looked extremely concerned and was about to intervene when I stopped him. He looked at me in confusion, but I just subtly shook my head, knowing that my venom was in Marcel's blood. Mohinder fed on Marcel for a long moment before he pulled away and sped Marcel against the wall, pinning him by the throat and holding up the stake in preparation to kill him.

"You fought with honor. Embrace the nobility of this end." Mohinder said to him.

"I will if you will. Or do you still not know?" Marcel asked him. Tristan and Aya looked at them curiously, intrigued by where Marcel was going with this. He chuckled weakly. "You must have tasted it in my blood." Just then, Mohinder began to look uncomfortable and groaned slightly as he wobbled on his feet. "Oh, now you're starting to feel it, aren't you? That burning sensation in your gut? Wolf's venom. A going-away gift from me. I may not have beaten you, but you lost all the same." He continued to squirm uncomfortably, gagging slightly from the venom. "I suggest you make your peace. We're both dead men walking." Mohinder became furious at this news.

"A desperate ploy! A lie!" He yelled. Marcel lift up the sleeve of his left arm and held it up, so he can see the weeping bite wound on his arm, which stunned Mohinder as Marcel laughed weakly in amusement.

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