Chapter 5

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Alex's P

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Alex's P.O.V (Her Outfit ^^)

I walked into the room where Elijah was working out at Marcel's gym. I had a small card in my hand. I addressed him with a mocking tone. "Something the matter, Elijah? There's nothing you want to talk about? Like... The Strix?" I asked him. Elijah pulled out a towel and used it to blot the sweat from his face as he turned to me. When he didn't respond, I read the black invitation in my hands aloud to him.

"I do hope that you can come, old chum. Signed, Tristan." I read to him and waved the invitation in the air. I give Elijah a look as he walked over and plucked the invite out of my hands to read it for himself. "I was picking up Hope and Shawn when some vampire dropped it off." I explained and Elijah continued to skim the invitation. "You care to fill me in?"

"This isn't your concern." Elijah said quietly. He started to walk past me, but I grabbed Elijah by the arm and stopped him.

"Oh, but it is." I sped us both over to the cage, where I pinned him to the chain-link wall by his throat. "So, why don't you cut the protective older brother crap and tell me what's going on. I'm part of this family too, Elijah. I thought you of all people would act like it." I said. Elijah, who looked surprised by my tenacity, spun us so he was now pinning me against the wall by my wrists.

"So, what do you want to know?"


Elijah and I walked into the room where Freya and Klaus were talking. "Well, as long as we're talking attendance..." I said to them and Klaus turned to me.

"Oh, good! It's my not-so-loving older brother and my angry wife! What a nice, normal family gathering." Klaus said mockingly. I rolled my eyes and smiled fakely at my husband. You want me to be the angry wife, fine!

"Charming. Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill you." I said to him.

"Well, clearly what the situation needs is more opinions." Klaus said snarkily and looked at Elijah. "I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?" I shot Elijah a glare, and he smiled in amusement.

"I was just getting to that..." Elijah said and I turned back to Klaus.

"Now would be good." I said and Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Well, it appears my old mate Lucien has acquired a genuine seer, and in an effort to prove his good intentions, he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom. It's grim stuff, really - not for the faint of heart." Klaus explained.

"Who's doom are we talking about, here? Because if it's yours, then my brothers will die. And on my life, that's not happening." I said to him. Klaus chuckled, clearly enjoying this conversation.

"Well, sadly, we're all on the chopping block. But, chin up! This witch claims her visions are constantly evolving. So, you may just be able to save your brothers!" Klaus said and I smiled.

"Well, I want to meet this psychic witch." I turned and looked at Elijah. "Tonight."


I was in Rebekah's old room at the compound, where I was searching through a stack of clothes I had laid out on the bed for an outfit for The Strix's party and muttering to myself under my breath.

"Come on, Rebekah. You've gotta have something..." I said to myself.

"May I?" I heard someone ask and I jumped. I looked to see that it was only Elijah, then nodded. Yes, please do find me a dress.

Elijah searched through the pile of dresses until he found a long dark red, strapless dress, with ruffles at the bottom and handed it to me. I smiled sheepishly as I ducked into the attached bathroom to change into it.

"Thanks. I'd wear my own clothes, but..." I said nervously. I cleared my throat awkwardly. "...I don't usually lean towards formal wear nowadays." I then walked out of the bathroom and stood in front of Elijah.

"I take it Klaus is fine with tonight's little adventure?" Elijah asked me and I smoothed out the skirt of my dress.

"Yeah, he knows that I can handle myself and he doesn't get a say anyways." I said. Elijah gave me a significant look.

"That's not what I meant." He said and I sighed.

"I know." Let's change the subject. "So... What exactly am I walking into tonight?" I asked him and Elijah looked tense as I walked out of the bathroom. Fully dress in my outfit (Photo Below).

"Only the most dangerous and influential congregation of vampires the world has ever known

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"Only the most dangerous and influential congregation of vampires the world has ever known." Elijah explained and I smiled tightly.


"What are your brothers doing?" Elijah asked. "If you've talked to them of course."

"Dealing with my mother and her crazy ass family. Which, by the way, she replaced us with and yet she came down here yesterday to spend some time with her grandchildren. Not to mention since Elena in a sleeping beauty coma, Damon's emotions are all over the place. Which makes nothing easier on the universe or Stefan." I explained with a fake smile.

"Nothing new then." He said and I nodded.

"Nothing new."

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