Chapter 14

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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up in a trunk with a blood-crusted bite wound on my neck. The car stopped and I closed my eyes as they opened the trunk. "Aw, poor dear! Still sleeping. Well, you have a big day ahead of you. We should get started." She said smugly.

I quickly opened my eyes and grabbed the crowbar lying next to me before whacking her upside the face with it. The girl shouted in pain, "Ahh!" I took advantage of her distraction and tried to run away. I ran as fast as I could in the opposite direction of her, but the vampire caught up to me easily and blocked my way, glaring at me in annoyance as I did so.

"That was not nice." Yeah, well neither was kidnapping me. My eyes widen, and I was apparently so scared that I simply froze. "Okay, you and I need to have a little heart-to-heart conversation. Come along." The girl said to me. She grabbed me by the arm and dragged me into the back entrance of the church.

Once inside, we found at least a half-dozen men working out in Marcel's fight gym. One was lifting weights at the bench press while another man spotted him, and two other men are sparring inside the cage. I looked terrified as she continued to drag me towards the equipment.

"What-what are we doing here?" I asked terrified.

"I heard a rumor these men train here, hoping to be made into vampires. So, I'm going to granting them their wish." She said cheerfully. The girl shoved me forward, and I quickly turned to face her with a pleading expression.

"Wait. Please. I don't know who you are, but if you have a problem with me, fine. Just let them go. They don't deserve to become this." I said and the girl looked at me in surprise.

"Huh. I had assumed you knew who I was." She said to me. The girl looked at me for a brief moment before continuing on. "No matter. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Aurora de Martel." Shit! Aurora fake-curtsied in front of me, but I was both confused and scared. "Long-lost love of Niklaus Mikaelson. He and I are having just a little bit of a spat at the moment, as he took my brother captive. Now, it's come to my attention that you are... quite precious to him."

"Well, I hope so. I am his wife." I mumbled. Aurora laughed bitterly at my comment and took a good look at my appearance.

"So, I'm taking you. And these 'lovely, delicious, delightful' specimens are going to provide incentive!" Aurora said and looked over at the men sparring in the ring before turning back to me. "Once they're in transition, they'll need to feed." Oh, you gotta be kidding me! I am not a blood bag. Aurora circled around me and brushed some of my hair off of my shoulders to reveal my neck. "And since you will be the only human blood available for another 48 hours... Well, Nik had better give me what I want."

Aurora then grabbed me by the hair and shoved me so hard that I collapsed onto the ground. She then raised her voice to call out to all of the men working out in the gym. "Gentlemen! Come down! Quick, quick. Off you pop!" She said cheerfully. Aurora clapped her hands for emphasis, and the men reluctantly gathered around her, though it's clear they're wary of what she wants.

"Thank you!" Aurora said. I started to pull myself into a seated position and watched as Aurora turned to the two shirtless men at the bench press, who stand to join the others. "Hello! You, too! Congratulations. You have all been selected to receive the highest honor bestowed upon your pitiful species." I looked at her in horror.

"Don't do this!" I said to her.

Aurora looked around at the men for a moment until she finally stopped at a blond man standing near her. She bit her lips in excitement as she sped over to him, bit into her wrist, and fed him her blood. As soon as she was sure he had ingested enough, she snapped his neck without any warning, causing me to flinch before she dropped his body onto the ground. Aurora then looked at the other men with blood staining her lips and teeth.



All of Marcel's potential vampire recruits were now lying dead on the floor, their bodies sprawled all over the gym and their mouths smeared with Aurora's blood. I was standing in the middle of the carnage while Aurora looked at me curiously. 

"It's odd you'd be his wife. Isn't it true Nik killed a few of your beloved friends...hum?" Aurora asked me. I looked surprised and uncomfortable with the fact that she knew this information.

"Yeah... But it was a long time ago." I said to her. Aurora smiled as she stripped off her jacket, and I continued to stand with my arms crossed over my chest, visibly tense with this situation.

"'Time.' That is such an odd little word." Despite Aurora's motives, she seemed genuinely interested in hearing what I had to say. "Tell me - Does he know about John?" She asked me and I gulped nervously.

"How do you know that name?"

"Oh, he's an old friend of mine." She said and my eyes widen in shock.

"How?" I asked her and she smiled.

"I confess... When I first heard your name, I was intrigued. Nik cared for so few people, so I looked you up. The internet, it is such a marvel. I learned all about your horrible past." Aurora started to walk towards me. I probably looked pale from the blood loss and she clearly made me miserable, since she reminded me of John.

"The people you have lost to Klaus! Wow. But as for John, well I met him when he was a new vampire. He had just heard you died and turn off his emotions. He didn't know you were a vampire until he went to the Strix party a few weeks ago. He saw you since my brother invites him, he asked who you were, and Tristan begins Tristan, happily told him." Aurora explained.

My expression had gone from nervous to angry and I lost my temper. John died. He died, so don't you dare talk as if you know that pain. But then another question kept running through my head as she spoke. Was John the man in the black mask?

"Are you enjoying this?" I asked her. Aurora smiled brightly and nodded her head in agreement. "Bringing up the tragedies of my life? Do you get off on being cruel?" She just shrugged.

"Maybe I'm looking for the ways in which we are alike," Aurora said. She walked away from me, so she could sit down on the nearby bench press. "See, Nik's been obsessed with me for centuries, and now he's infatuated with you. What do you think the overlap is between us?" She asked me. I was even more uncomfortable now and I couldn't bring myself to look Aurora in the eyes.

"Is it... the loyal brothers? Both of you are quite loyal, and mine? Well... Tristan. I love him, but he can be a bit daft sometimes. You know, he likes to have me committed every so often? Hoping to cure me more... eccentric predispositions. Thanks to him, I've been plunged into ice baths, bled for melancholia, and exorcised for demons five - no, six - six times." Aurora explained. I looked surprised that Aurora was telling me this. "And my latest diagnosis is bipolar disorder. I imagine with your friend begin a therapist, you're familiar with it."

"And there have been great strides in -" Aurora, annoyed, stood to her feet and cut me off before standing so we were face-to-face.

"- Shut up, Alex! I prefer not to be condescended to by the friend of someone who only just got her degree." Aurora snapped. I looked at her in confusion, and she started to pace around again as she talked.

"Now, tell me a bit more about you, starting with how you feel about Nik. And do bear in mind - I'm a stickler for honesty." She said to me. I was worried about my safety and gulped nervously. I looked down at the floor trying to find some way out of answering this question. Klaus, please save me!

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