Chapter 15

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Klaus's P.O.V

Lucien and I were walking around the square, where artists were displaying their paintings to a large crowd of people milling about. I was annoyed by Lucien, who was scoffing in distaste at our current environment. But all I could think about was John and what Stefan said about him. About losing Alex to him. Losing Alex in general...

"It's typical of Aurora, forcing us to look for one of her needles in a rather vile haystack," Lucien said to me.

"Yes. It's quite the undertaking, made all the more onerous by your incessant chatter." I said annoyed.

"I speak so that I might be listened to. Aurora clearly has some devious plan in mind, which begs the question - given how vindictive she is, why bother playing her game?" Lucien asked me incredulously. He walked around me so he was standing in front of me, and I stopped then stared at him.

"I'm not playing for her," I said. I saw Lucien realize that this was all about Alex, and he rolled his eyes. He followed after me as we continued to walk down the street.

"Ah, then... Then tell me, what's the best-case scenario? You save Alex today, Aurora will just kill her some other time. And you can't very well kill Aurora, given she alone has the information needed to find Rebekah. Then there's John..." Lucien said.

"I'm quite aware of the dilemma, thank you," I said irritated.

"Oh! Yet you're still determined to rush into this harpy's trap." He said sarcastically. I was beginning to become even more annoyed, stopped walking once again, and looked at Lucien in the eyes with an exasperated expression. "What for? Why do you even care about Alex?"

"I love her, and she is my wife. We might not be getting along right now, but I will not let her be harmed because of me. I happen to also trust her, which is more than can be said for you or this John fellow. Now, if you're gonna help me, then help me." I said to him. Lucien sighed dramatically in frustration. "Otherwise, bugger off." I pushed past Lucien and walked away. Lucien sighed and muttered under his breath as he followed after me.

"All right."


Alex's P.O.V

"Why does it matter to you how I feel about him?" I asked her.

"Well if you don't answer then I'll rip your heart from your chest," Aurora said and I sighed. You just had to play the death card?

"I love him." I started. "I love him despite what he has done to my friends, my brothers, and anyone I care about. I love him because I know the monster inside him, and I can relate to it. I love him more than I ever loved John. And if John's alive, I would still only love Klaus."

"Are you sure about that?" Aurora asked and I looked at her dead in the eyes.


"You lying?" I stayed silent. "Truth is you don't know what you would do if John were to walk right through those doors and beg you to take him back. Makes me wonder if you still love Nik?" She asked me.

"I do love Klaus," I growled at her. Aurora shrugged as though she didn't understand, so I continued to explain. "I see that he wants to be more than what he is, and to be honest, I don't think you're helping."

"You see the good in Nik. Tell me, are you the one to bring it out of him? The one he has hurt, time, and time again just because he was angry at your friends and family?" Aurora stood to her feet and walked towards me with a smile. "He doesn't love you anymore, darling. You're just the mother of his children. That's all." She said. I don't believe that. And I wasn't willing to back down. I walked closer to Aurora and stood my ground against her.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now