Chapter 7

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Alex's P.O.V

Tristan and I were still dancing together while he made an effort to talk to me. Ok, Klaus please come through that door...drunk, sober, I don't care. Just get me out of here! "There are few novelties left in the world, especially to us. A creature such as you is certainly among them." Tristan said and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Yeah? And what kind of a creature might that be?" I asked him.

"A hybrid, of course. The only one among us whose life doesn't depend on the survival of the Original family anymore. You, Alexandria Salvatore-Mikaelson, are one of a kind. And, a true beauty, at that." He explained to me.

I was uncomfortable by this comment. The only guy I want to call me beautiful is my husband, not you. Sorry. Tristan spun me around before pulling me closer to him, and I did my best to avoid eye contact with him.

Suddenly, Klaus entered the room with some guy and a large group of Halloween-costumed women, including a nurse, a cat, and a skeleton bride. Klaus howled drunkenly like a wolf as the guy and the women all laugh happily, attracting the attention of everyone in the room to the point where everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the them. Oh god, I was really hoping you would be sober when you came to rescue me. 

"What a beloved occasion!" My drunk husband said and I rolled my eyes. He saw me and I smiled at him for a moment. I mean...I was standing right in front of him, but I was still a few feet away from him.

"My God, it's a room full of Elijah's." The man beside Klaus said and I laughed a little. Finally! Someone said it outloud. Klaus had his arms thrown around a woman's' shoulders and he was drunkenly leaning against them.

"I had that exact same nightmare once!" Klaus said and shot me a wink. He was trying to get me to laugh and it was working. Then again Klaus begin drunk always made me laugh. The group all laughed hysterically as my husband's friend turned to one of the women, who was dressed in a fuchsia corset and matching bobbed wig. She also wore a mask to keep her identity hidden. It was probably Freya.

"Go and grab us a drink, love! Feel free to fetch one for yourself." He said and Klaus began to slur while I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"One for me, please! One for the wife." Klaus slurred and pointed at me. I just rolled my eyes at him. "And one for her, and her, and her, and her..." Freya, or who I think is Freya, walked away and Klaus looked around. "Tristan? Tristan! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Unless, of course, you're afraid!"


Klaus, his friend, and their cavalry of drunken women were still in the midst of creating their distraction at the Strix's party. Tristan, who was looking only mildly unhappy, turned to me and whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry. Please excuse me." He whispered and I stood in my place. Tristan headed straight for Klaus and his friend. "You should, uh, move along. You're not welcome here."

"Oh. Oh, okay. We're-we're not welcome here..." Klaus said and plucked a champagne flute from the nearest serving platter before walking up to Tristan and slurring drunkenly at him. "Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends and my wife! Hahaha!" Wow! Even when drunk Klaus is still jealous.

"My concern is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon." He said amused. Klaus's friend looked over at the woman dressed as a skeleton bride.

"Ohhhhhh, he's suggesting that you're exotic dancers! Which, to him, is an insult -" He said drunk of his ass like my husband. He gestured towards the burlesque dancers who have stopped working in favor of watching the drama unfold. I, too, would like to watch the drama unfold as well. "- If not hypocritical. But, don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth." He smiled at Tristan and leaned forward, extending his index finger and tapping Tristan on the end of the nose. "Boop!"

Klaus had managed to find his way over to me and wrap an arm around me. I sighed and patted his chest when he did that. I love that you're here and not Tritan, but why do you have to be drunk. We both couldn't resist laughing hysterically at that, but I kept my laugh quiet.

"Isn't that right, Tristan? Hmm?" My husband's friend asked him.

"Who is that?" I asked Klaus and he looked at me.

"That's Lucien." Klaus wisphered and I made an 'o' face. Yeah, this makes more sense now. Lucien clapped Tristan on the shoulders with his hands as Elijah, having seen enough of this scene, called out to my husband from afar.

"Niklaus." We both looked at Elijah. He saw Klaus' arm around me and I sighed. I took his arm off me and smiled at him.

"Have fun." I said sarcastically and pushed him to his older brother. Elijah eventually walked towards him until they were standing side-by-side.

"What is it?" Klaus asked him and Elijah rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're hammered." Really?! I couldn't tell. "Which should come as very little surprise to Alex or anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?" Elijah said.

"Just..." Klaus whispered and pointed to himself.

"Yes, and could you take your playthings with you, too? Alex will be home shortly." He said patiently and Klaus looked at me. I nodded in agreement with Elijah. I love you, but go get some rest and sober up. Klaus shoved his champagne glass into Elijah's' hands before staggering towards my direction, again, in the ballroom.

"You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member - I could never get my head far enough up my own ass." Klaus said and placed his arm around my shoulders again. He pointed to me, great. "You see, my love, they're worse than me." I stared at my husband. Are you sure about that?

"Yeah, well, you're on a whole new level of drunkenness. So congratulations!" I said to him sarcastically.

"Niklaus," He looked at his older brother. "I don't think Alex wants you here right now." Elijah said and Klaus seemed assumed.

"My own wife." Klaus said shocked and I rolled my eyes. He smiled and kissed the side of my head. I smiled a little and looked away from him. Even when he's drunk he tends to steal my heart.

Klaus then looked back at Tristan, Elijah, and Lucien. He bowls dramatically and laughed, while Tristan and Elijah exchange annoyed glances. To be honest this is the most interesting thing happening at this party. Lucien and their companions were delighted by Klaus's behavior. He walked back over to Elijah and took the glass from his hand before downing the rest of the champagne in one gulp and handing it back to him. Afterwards, Klaus made his way back over to me.

"What now?" I asked him and he just smiled.

"Good to see they haven't changed you into them." My husband said and turned back to Tristan. "Cheap." He said, talking about the champagne. Klaus walked to Lucien, then addressed him and the others. "Come on. Let's go. The only thing interesting here is Alex, but she going to stay anyways."

"Why don't we take her with us, Nik? She seems like a lot more fun than anyone here, no offense of course." Lucien said and they all looked at me. I smiled at him and Klaus sweetly.

"Nah, I'm good." I said to them and Lucien gave me an small bow before he smiled. Klaus then smiled at me and I smiled back at him. They left while howling and laughing loudly as they did.

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