Chapter 11

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Alex's P.O.V

Elijah pushed Shen Min, who was still impaled by the long piece of wood Elijah plunged into his abdomen, onto his knees. Shen groaned in pain as Marcel and I looked at them warily. "Between blood loss and that bite, I'm not sure you have enough time to get answers." Marcel said and Elijah circled around Shen, so he could face him before turning his head to address Marcel.

"Then let's make the most of it." He turned back to Shen. "I have questions." Elijah yanked the stake out of Shen's torso. "I want answers." Shen Min turned around in an attempt to get to his feet and prepare to attack him, but Elijah simply grabbed him in a choke-hold and stared him in the eyes with a cold expression. "Why were you following Alex?" Elijah compelled him. Shen tried to remain silent, but Elijah's compulsion was too strong to resist.

"I was ordered to remove her from the playing field. She is an obstacle to the thing we truly want." Shen said.

"Which is what?" My brother-in-law growled.

"Davina Claire." He answered. Both Marcel and Elijah were unsettled and concerned by this confession.

"What do you want with Davina Claire?" Elijah asked.

"Tristan needs her to activate a weapon to use against your family." Shen said to him.

"What weapon?" He asked angrily. Shen Min used all of his energy resisting Elijah's compulsion and remained silent. Elijah, who I saw was not in the mood for games, squeezed his throat even tighter, causing Shen to gasp for breath. "Forgive me. I'm having a little difficulty hearing you right now. Speak." Shen gasped for breath.

"I'd... Rather... Die!" Shen said. He then mustered up all of his strength and pulled himself out of Elijah's grip. When he fell weakly to the floor, Shen removed his daylight ring, immediately burst into flames as Elijah, Marcel, and I watch in shock while he died in front of us.


I was still at the Church, in the room outside of the gym, where I was looking at photos of Hope and Shawn on my phone. After a moment, Elijah approached me, and I looked up at him with a rueful smile.

"There was a time when all I wanted was to find my family. Then I met Hayley and she had the same desire. It consumed us. And then, once we did, as crazy as it is, all we wanted was a home. Even though I have Mystic Falls and all, New Orleans is still that home. And the Strix are trying to take that away, aren't they?" I asked and Elijah replied with a determined expression.

"No. We won't let them." He said. Elijah and I were distracted from our conversation by the sound of footsteps, and a moment later, Marcel and Freya walked into the room to join us.

"Might be harder than you think." Marcel said. I watched as Elijah realized someone was missing and immediately became worried.

"Where is Rebekah?" Elijah asked and I looked at them worried.

"Wait. What happened to Rebekah?" I asked him and Freya looked distraught as she replied.

"We need to call Klaus."


I was sitting on the balcony, hoping Klaus would come out and talk to me. I was holding Shawn, as he cooed at me and Klaus walked out. I smiled at him and he saw Shawn. "You said tomorrow at 8 right?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yup." Klaus said and leaned against the railing. "Still trust me?"

"Yup." I smiled and Shawn cooed at his dad. "I think Shawn misses you." I said to him and Klaus laughed.

"Your mother called me." My husband said and I looked at him confused.

"Why?" I asked with a laugh and he chuckled.

"She thought you would have moved back in with us by now." He answered sadly and I opened my mouth to say something to him.


"She said that she had a certain recipe she wanted to tell you...." Klaus said confused, and trying to change the subject, but I gasped before poking my head into the apartment.

"Hayley!" I yelled at her and she looked at me. "We have the recipe. Call my mom now!" I watched Hayley rushed to get the phone after giving Hope to a very confused Jackson. I turned back to Klaus with a big smile.

"Do I want to know?" Klaus asked, just as confused as Jackson, and I laughed.

"Right." I laughed awkwardly. "My mom use to make the most delicious pumpkin pie for thanksgiving. And since she made it every year, it was a Salvatore tradition." Klaus chuckled. "Hey, don't mock my family's tradition." He held his hands up in defense. "Anyway, she said that when I had my own family that I would learn the recipe. Well, I have my own family now and when Hayley heard about....Let's just say we made it our life's mission to get that recipe from her, when she came down here a few weeks ago and told us about it." I explained.

"Well, then I'll have to try it." Klaus said with a smirk and I smiled. We stood in silence for a while. It was night time and there was a jazz band playing music as we looked at each other. God, I missed him! But I couldn't forgive him...not yet.

"Are you okay?" Klaus asked me and I looked at him confused.

"Of course I'm ok. I just got my family's recipe for pie." I said as Shawn rested his head on my shoulder and he slowly fell asleep.

"No I mean after what happened with Shen." Klaus explained to me.

"Oh," I said and looked down. "Yeah, I'm-I'm ok." I said to him and looked back up.

"You don't look ok." Klaus said and I smiled.

"That's just because I miss you. I want you here standing next to me, not across the street on a balcony." I said to him.

"All you have to do is invite me in and your wish is granted." He said and I laughed while quickly looking inside, at Hayley and Jackson, before looking back at him.

"I wish it were that easy." I said. Klaus and I looked down before looking back at each other. "Goodnight, Klaus." I turned to walk back inside.

"Goodnight, Alexandria." My husband said to me and I turned back to him. I was still close to the door that lead into the apartment.

"You called me by my full name." I said to him and he chuckled at the fact I was pointing it out to him.

"Sorry, love -"

"No, don't apologize." I said and smiled when he looked at me again. "I like it." I then walked into the apartment and closed the balcony door behind me.


?'s P.O.V

I watched from the streets as Alexandria, my one true love walked into the house with a baby in her arms. I looked to see the man, who currently made her more happy than I've ever seen her, walk inside his house as well. It took a little while to get away from Lily and to find Alex. But with the help of the Strix and Aurora...

...I did....

I found her and I will do whatever it takes to have her back in my arms.

Even if that means I have to killing Klaus Mikaelson myself.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now