Chapter 39

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Alex's P.O.V

The NOLA Music Days festival was happening in the French Quarter. I was listening to it from my room and thinking about the past week. "Listening to music, I see," Klaus said and I smiled but didn't turn to him.

"I love music." I turned to him. "It helps me control myself," I said to him. "Need any help finding Lucien and Aurora?"

"No. Stay here, listen to your music. You're safer the farther you are from Aurora. I only came to see that you were safe." Klaus explained. He, looking uncomfortable and awkward, turned to leave, but I stopped him.

"Klaus? I haven't had the chance to tell you how sorry I am... about Finn. Losing a sibling is awful." I said to him. Klaus, even more, uncomfortable and clearly still grieving about Finn, smiled weakly.

"Yes. Well, I'll find solace when Lucien is dead." Klaus said to me.

"And what about Aurora?" I asked him tersely. The small smile on Klaus faded at this change in the subject. "By now, she could be just as powerful, and if any part of you still harbor feelings for her..."

"I don't care about Aurora. I care about you." He walked up to me and kissed my forehead. "You're the only thing that matters to me anymore," Klaus said and when I went to look up at him, he was gone. My hand went to my locket and clutched it as I turned around and continued to listen to music playing outside.


I ran to the front door hearing a knock. "What's wrong?" I asked Cami the second I saw her.

"It is Klaus... Lucien has him." Cami said frantically. I turned to shout for Freya and Elijah, who were approaching us as we spoke.

"Freya! Invite her in!" I said to her.

"Yeah, come in, you're invited," Freya said, overwhelmed. Cami looked nervous as she took a step forward, and once she crossed the threshold with no problems, she rushed toward them. I took a look outside to make sure no one else was coming before following the group in the courtyard.

"Tell us what happened," Elijah said to her.

"Lucien ambushed him. He knocked him around like it was nothing." Cami said to us.

"Did he bite him?" I asked her worriedly and she shook her head. Thank god.

"No. I think he wanted him alive. I followed them. Lucien took Klaus back to the penthouse." Cami said and Elijah's phone buzzed. He scowls when he sees that he has received a text from someone.

"Lucien is demanding my presence at the Whiskey Cask - alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die." Elijah said to us. We all looked anxious and overwhelmed as Elijah turned and walked towards the door.


Elijah was in the courtyard, about to leave to meet with Lucien when I approached him. "Are you seriously going out there?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I'm seriously going out there," Elijah said to me.

"Elijah, the whole point of putting the deed to the compound in Freya's name was to make this place impenetrable. Now, you're gonna pick a fight with a guy who can kill you?" I asked him.

"Yes, when you put it that way... It does sound a little reckless." Elijah said and I sighed.

"Elijah? Be careful. Please." I said and he nodded before leaving the compound.


Cami and I were walking determinedly down the street towards Lucien's apartment while we discussed our game plan. "Here's the problem - I haven't been invited into Lucien's penthouse," Cami said to me.

Losing Him (Only His Series: Book 4) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now