Chapter Nine

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Mute! Eddie
All characters are over sixteen years old
No smut but different punishment type
Ddlb my children
Smut next chapter
What Eddie has is selective muteness. He can speak, but he has some phobia and extreme social fear. He only speaks when he has to, but Richie never forces him to.

Eddie ran around the house, trying to be quiet as possible. He heard Richie's footsteps behind him, the beautiful sound of his laughter. Eddie bit his lip, trying to restrain from grinning as he tried to find a hiding spot. He looked around and spotted the guest room. He darted in, closing the door quietly behind him. He crawled under the bed and tried to silence his breathing.

Eddie opened his eyes when Richie called out again, "Baby? If you don't come out I guess I'll have to punish you when I find you." Eddie felt himself blush, but still didn't come out. "I won't punish you if you come here in Hmm, bad boy." Eddie bit his lip harder as he saw Richie's red sock covered feet started to walk around the bed. "I wonder where my darling baby is...hmm." Richie looked inside the closet, moving some hangers around before he closed it again. He walked into the connected bathroom and stayed there for a few seconds before coming out.

"Get your cute lil bum over here before I spank it." Eddie grinned as he saw Richie walking away. He was going to win no matter what. He looked to the left for a few seconds. When he looked back out the door, Richie was gone.

He jumped when he felt two hands grab his ankles and drag him out. He was flipped around and pinned onto the floor, a certain tall boy with curly black hair holding him down. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. My bad lil boy." Eddie grinned, trying to squirm out of Richie's grip. "Don't bother trying, baby. You're too little to out power me." Eddie pouted, making Richie lean down and peck his lips quickly. "Now, about that punishment."

Eddie kicked Richie's balls, making him fall over, giving him a chance to run. He got up, sticking his tongue out at him before he dashed out of the room. He heard Richie yelled after him, "you slut! I will kill you!" It kind of hurt Eddie, but he knew that Richie didn't mean it like that. He never told Richie that he didn't like downgrading words during sex or any other intimate activity they did so Richie thought he liked it when he was called a slut or a whore.

Eddie was dragged back quickly, a hand grabbing his hair. He was turned around suddenly, and before he could massage his scalp, he was thrown over by a shoulder. He would have giggled if he wasn't mute. He felt a big hand slap his ass, "bad boy. Running away from daddy." Eddie blushed, knowing they were going to do something intimate if Richie had just called himself daddy. He was suddenly thrown onto the bed gently, Eddie grinning up at Richie.

"What do we not do to our daddies?" Eddie signed, "run away from them." Richie smiled, leaning down towards Eddie. He placed kisses onto his cheeks, making Eddie squirm. Richie lifted his face up and whispered, "and what did you do?" Eddie shakily signed back, "I ran away from you and kicked you." Richie raised an eyebrow. "And?" Eddie looked down, remembering why he was running away in the first place. He had thrown Richie water bottle because he felt like it.

"Where you a bad boy?" Eddie nodded sadly. "Yes. I'm sorry." Richie smiled softly, "don't be sad, baby." "I'm not."
Richie hummed, "okay then. And what do bad boys get?" Eddie looked down and signed, "a spanking." "That's right. But you're too cute and good today. I mean you were good. But you're so cute in your little penguin onesie. I don't think I'll give you one."

Eddie looked up, shocked. He began to sign, "thank you, dada," to Richie, but he was cut off with, "that's why I ain't letting you come, no touching yourself, and corner time." Eddie pouted, looking down, "with insults?" He signed.

Corner time with insults was basically Richie telling Eddie everything he was not. How disappointed he was, how worthless he was, etc. For some weird reason, it helped Eddie come out of his shell. It was used as a technique for his social anxiety as well as a punishment. Richie never took it too far though, giving him a two hour aftercare once it was over. He stopped once Eddie told him to.

Richie nodded, "yes, baby. Remember, whatever I say to you, is false, okay? It helps you." Eddie hated it, but he nodded anyway. Richie pulled him up and grabbed his hand gently. He pulled him into the living room and put him in the corner, faced towards the wall. Richie took a deep breath, because he hated doing it. It wasn't his idea, this therapist gave recommended it and he thought it was stupid until they tried it out. Richie decided to make it a punishment.

"I'm starting, okay baby? You can always stop it. I love you and nothing I say is true. You are anything but these words. Keep in mind that this is for your own good, for your anxiety. I love you so much. You're perfect. Okay?" Eddie smiled, signing, "I wuv you," before turning back around. Richie got into his headspace, turning sadistic. "You're such a stupid, bad boy." Eddie bit his lip, shutting his eyes. "So worthless, good for nothing." He kept reminding himself, replaying what Richie said over and over again. "A waste of space."

Eddie shut his eyes even more, trying to block out Richie's melodic voice. "You're so disgusting. So ugly, fat. Everyone flinches when they see you." That was the first time Richie commented about his looks. It stung, because baby Eddie was alreddie insecure. He wanted it to stop, but he kept going. He was still green. "Your cheeks are so chubby, I can barley see your lips. They are so squished up. And you're so stupid. Such a disappointment." That made Eddie's heart hurt a lot. He put his hands on his cheeks and squished them. Maybe they were really chubby.

"And it's so hard being your daddy. Like god, having a little that rarely speaks is so annoying, god help me." That did it. Tears began rolling down Eddie's cheeks. He had wrapped his arms around his stomach, trying to keep it out of view. He had shut his eyes, a sob escaping his mouth. "Baby?" Richie had heard the sob. He didn't know why he was crying. Eddie normally never cried during this punishment. When it got too much, he just said red. Eddie had forgotten that whatever Richie was saying, wasn't true.

Richie turned Eddie around, making his heart drop. Every tear that slid down his cheek was a knife to the heart. "We are stopping right now. Come here baby." He opened his arms, making Eddie run into them. Eddie had to whisper, because he hadn't talked in a day or two. "I-I'm sorry, daddy." Richie shook his head, his own eyes filling with tears. "No, no, no. Baby, you shouldn't be. I'm so sorry."

Richie imagined how Eddie must have felt. How worthless and ugly he must have felt. "My poor baby, daddy's so sorry. Daddy loves you. What he said wasn't true." Eddie sniffled, remembering that, "o-oh." He whispered. Richie picked Eddie up, who had stopped sobbing. "Let's do some aftercare for my baby boy." Eddie sniffled, giggling slightly. He was placed on top of Richie's lap. "I-I not heavy?" He whispered.

Richie remembered what he had said, "no, my precious kitten. Remember, they weren't true. You're actually as light as a feather, so small compared to me, so adorable. I love your cheeks, they aren't fat, even a blind guy knows that." Eddie was feeling better, sniffling as he thanked Richie. Richie rocked him back and forth, "and baby, you're not ugly. God no, if you're ugly, then what the fuck is Kylie Jenner? You're so beautiful that when you smile, I swear to god I can't breathe." Eddie blushed, thanking him again.

"And let me talk about that beautiful brain of yours. So intelligent. So smart. And you're not annoying. You're anything but that, I love being your daddy almost as much as I love you. And you know how much that is." Eddie giggled, turning around to face Richie. "I wuv yu," he said properly. Richie smiled at him adoringly, brushing his hair away from his face, "you feeling better, beautiful?" Eddie nodded, nuzzling into him. "I love you to, my baby. So so much. I'm so sorry." And just because to this, Richie praised Eddie for about three hours before he realized that the little was asleep oops Richie Ditchie Bitchie.

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