Chapter Thirty One (Insert Lenny Face)

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Eddie needed attention. He needed it right now. From one boi specifically. That boi was Richie Tozier. Eddie wanted Richie to tell him he was adorable, to tell him he was pretty and that he loved him. It had been a while since they had been intimate, after all. The small boy sat on his bed, waiting for Richie to come home. He was wearing his short mint green shorts and a lace white top. He wanted to look pretty for Richie, so he got all dressed up.

Meanwhile, Richie was coming home after a rather exhausting day. He was all worn out, not in the mood for anything at the moment. He unlocked the door with a huge sigh, throwing his shoes off his feet. Richie looked around, being met with total silence not being one of the things he was used to. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

He walked into the kitchen to find it untouched. Richie was confused. Where was his boyfriend? He quickly made his way around the two floored house, running now. He rushed upstairs to the bedroom to find Eddie, sitting on the bed, pouting adorably. "Fucking hell, you scared me." Eddie just goofily smiled, making a, "come here," motion to Richie.

Richie rolled his eyes. "Not in the mood. Go wear your normal clothes, Eddie." Eddie was taken aback. Richie never shot down an excuse for something like that. "No! Gimmie attention, Chee." Richie groaned, "I'm tired, not now. I'll be at the living room, packing for Friday." On Friday, the couple was going to Thailand for vacation with Richie's brother and his boyfriend.

Eddie was getting impatient. "No! Come on, Rich, you never turn something like this down!" Richie just sighed and without a word, left the room. Eddie was heartbroken. Didn't he look pretty enough? Or cute enough? Sexy enough?

He jumped off the bed, trotting down the stairs and padding towards the living room. He saw Richie pull out two suit cases, beginning to fold some clothes and neatly place them into the luggages. "Richard! What's wrong with you?" Richie flinched at the loud tone Eddie used. "I'm tired and I don't want to deal with you right now! So kindly; fuck off Eddie! You're bothering me!" Eddie was quiet. Beginning to sniffle, he pushed the bags onto the floor, the clothes falling out of them.

Richie was mad. Oh, he was furious. He turned to Eddie, seeing red. "You want attention? Oh, I'll show you fucking attention." He grabbed his wrist, dragging him to bedroom. He grabbed some rope, making sure the surface wasn't that soft but not that rough either. Eddie was getting slightly scared. "R-Richie I-I'm sorr-" he was pushed onto the bed, Richie straddling his hips as he took his wrists and tied them up, making sure it was tight so Eddie couldn't get out. He began ripping his clothes off him until he was naked.

"Just had to be bad, didn't you? Fucking slut." Eddie was about to apologize, but Richie shoved a vibrator inside of him, making him moan out loud. "Yeah, you like you don't you?" Richie shook his head as Eddie pathetically nodded, bucking his hips. Richie grabbed the remote, putting it onto lowest setting and giving Eddie's member one hard slap. Richie then got off Eddie, making his way out of the room. He stopped though. "Next time you decide to be a bad boy, fucking use that brain. It may seem really good right now, but you'll beg me to stop." He then left Eddie alone, the vibrator still vibrating and him all naked and tied up.

Eddie was having the time of his life. That is until his first orgasm hit him. Not even slowing down, the vibrator still vibrated, making Eddie flow with oversensitivity. He could take two orgasms one after another, three at the most. He was still sad though. Maybe he shouldn't have done that. Meanwhile, Richie grabbed the remote, moving the settings of the vibrator onto a higher level, Eddie's screams echoing through the house. He snickered to himself as he packed.

After an hour, Eddie was soaked in sweat, tears and his own cum. He had came five times, the vibrations against his prostate no longer feeling pleasurable, but like cacti being shoved up his ass. His whole body ached and he was sure one of his wrists was bleeding. He was praying for Richie to come get him as he didn't have the voice to yell anymore. He couldn't even safe word.

Richie was waiting for his to safeword so he could turn the vibrations off. Only then would he show mercy to Eddie, but he was feeling concerned. To see if he was even awake, he decided to set the vibrator onto the highest setting to get a reaction out of Eddie. He did so, making Eddie instantly let out a blood curdling scream. Richie's eyes widened as he instantly stopped all vibrations, running up the stairs. He slammed the door open to see Eddie, his small body shaking violently as he stammered out words like, "s-stop, no more." And, "p-please." Tears streamed down his face as he struggled to get out of the ropes, which dug into his delicate skin.

Richie instantly ran to his side, untying the ropes in quick movements. As soon as Eddie was free, he began to sob loudly, scooting away from Richie. The older boy's heart broke at the sight, his own baby being scared of him. "B-Baby, I-I'm sorry, I-I- You didn't safeword so-so I thought y-you were fine an-and I-" Eddie choked on his sobs, "h-hurts! R-Richie I-I it-hurts!" Richie scooped him up, making Eddie thrash around.

"Shh, baby. I'm going to take care of you now. I'm sorry for being mean, let me take care of you." Eddie relaxed a bit, but his lips still quivered as he was taken to the bathroom. Richie quickly filled the tub up, pressing a kiss to Eddie's tear-soaked cheeks a few times, apologizing to him again and again. Eddie held onto his lower stomach area, which hurt like hell.

Richie was losing it. Eddie looked in pain and he hated that it was his fault. He was too insensitive, leaving him all tied up with no control. He could only watch as Eddie hummed himself a shaky tune, tryin to calm himself down. "I'm so sorry, Eds. I'm sorry, baby." Eddie didn't say anything in return.

Once the bath was filled up with nice, warm water, Richie picked Eddie up, making the smaller boy whimper. He kissed his curls quickly before putting him into the water, making Eddie relax instantly. Am I the only once who imagines Eddie as either Tyler Young or Timothee Chalamet (his appearance in Call Me By Your Name)

Richie ran his hands through Eddie's curls, making him sniffle and whisper, "s-sorry I-I was bad." Richie's heart shattered. "N-No baby, I-I- don't apologize, you didn't do a-anything I-I hurt you and-and I'm s-sorry." He kept on rambling, not believing that he actually hurt Eddie. Eddie nodded, grabbing Richie's hand and playing with his fingers innocently. "Please don-don't hurt me again." He said, no looking up.

Richie nodded, "I won't! I promise I won't! I understand if-if you don't forgive me." Eddie shook his head. "I f-forgive you just this once. D-Don't leave m-me alone a-again, i-it scared me an-and-" he began to sniffle, making Richie engulf him into a tight hug. "My poor baby. I'm sorry. I really am. I'll make it up to you, I promise." Eddie nodded. "O-Okay. I-I forgive you." Richie grinned, placing a quick kiss to Eddie's lips before he wet a washcloth and began to wash Eddie's body.

He was careful with his lower regions. Eddie instantly whimpered when Richie touched his member, making him apologize profusely and wash down there with extra tenderness. Eddie hugged Richie's arm as he finished cleaning him, the smaller boy snuggling into his arm. Richie couldn't help hut awe at the smol precious baby.

"You're really cute, y'know?" Eddie shook his head, "I-I don't think I looked cute in the outfit." Richie's heart dropped. "You looked beautiful! Amazing, baby. Adorable!" Eddie shook his head, hiding his face. "You didn't think so." "Baby...I was just really exhausted. I genuinely thought you looked absolutely breathtaking." Eddie smiled a bit. "No I didn't." "You did too." "No!" "Did too." "No!" "Did too." Richie placed a kiss onto Eddie's neck, making the smaller boy's breath hitch. "Did. Too." He said before he picked Eddie up, wrapping him in a fluffy, white towel.

Richie put a towel over Eddie's head for a bit, dried his hair, then pulled it off, "there's my baby boy!" He said enthusiastically, making Eddie giggle cutely. Richie kissed both of his cheeks before grabbed pajamas for Eddie and himself. The two boys got dressed, Richie carrying Eddie onto the bed. "Baby, want me to change the bedsheets." Eddie nodded shyly.

After doing that, the two precious babies snuggled up to each other, Richie being the small spoon because yes. Eddie cuddled into his eyes more. "Love you, Eddie. A lot." Eddie kissed his head, "I love you too, Chee. A lot."

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