Chapter One-Hundred-Fifteen

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Requested by Annie_Maria123


Hi guys, this is my first attempt at a Character x Reader Oneshot. Sorry if it's a little weird, it's my first try as I said. Please enjoy!


"M-Mommy, don't go!" Y/N yelled, pouting as she crossed her arms over her chest. Currently, she was being hidden behind Scoops Ahoy, having a conversation with her girlfriend and mommy dom, Robin, who needed to go away for a little while and handle something with another store.

The blonde rubbed her forehead, not wanting to leave her precious little girl behind. Y/N was always a very shy and timid girl and hated being left behind all alone. Thankfully, Steve was there to help. But while working, he wasn't going to be able to give all of his attention to the little one.

"I'm sorry, pumpkin. I really am. Mommy really needs to go. You know me, I wouldn't leave you if it wasn't a 100% emergency. I promise." With teary eyes and a tantrum ready to happen, Y/N wrapped her small arms around Robin's waist, hugging her and simply refusing to listen.

"NO! N-NO LEAVE!" She nuzzled her cheek against Robin's stomach, the older sighing and running her hand's through her soft hair. "Baby... Don't argue. I really need to go. Plus, the sooner mommy goes, the sooner she can come back to her baby. Hm?" 

She glanced at Steve, who had peeked his head through, watching with a, 'What the fuck am I supposed to do?' expression. Robin slapped her forehead and shook her head. 

"Look, Uncle Steve is going to be with you the whole time. Just give me an hour and I'll be right back. If you behave, I'll even give you a special reward when we go back home. Does that sound good?" Y/N looked at her with big eyes, thinking about it. Robin's rewards were always amazing. And she did want one really bad.

Slowly, she nodded. "F-Fine! But I get whatever I want for the rest of the day!" Robin chuckled, kissing her cheek softly, "Whatever you want, princess. As long as it's safe. So, do we have a deal?" Y/N nodded, giggling as Robin picked her up and set her on her hip. 

"Dingus! Hey, Dingus!" Steve walked into the room, sighing. "Give me the child," he sighed, already tired from moming around the entire day. Now, he had another child to take care of. Dustin was already outside, slurping up scoops of delicious ice cream with Erica, who was enjoying a nice sundae. 

 Robin kissed her girlfriend, smiling at her before handing her over to Steve, making the little one whine. "I'll see you soon, princess, okay? Steve," she said, her voice hardening once she spoke to her best friend. "Take care of her. If I hear you misbehaving or not treating her like the princess she is, I'll make an ice cream flavor out of your guts. Alright?" She then smiled innocently, blew Y/N a kiss and hopped over the counter, running over to handle some business.

Steve, startled, stared at Y/N, who was already beginning to cry. "Hey, hey, hey, woah! Hold on, Y/N, don't cry." He rocked her back and forth, panicking. He called Dustin and told him to bring him some of Erica's toys so that he could distract the little in his arms.

Dustin ran in, holding two barbie dolls. "I'm here! I'm here to save the day!" He handed the dolls over, smiling the Y/N before running back out. "Hey, look what I have here!" Steve said, smiling as he waved the dolls in front of her. She stopped crying instantly, sniffling as she stared at the pretty dolls in awe.

"P-Pretty!" She squealed, her mood doing a whole 360 flip as she grabbed one of the dolls, giggling. "Play with me, Uncle Steve!" And so Steve was stuck with playing Barbie for the next twenty minutes, until Y/N heard some kids outside the shop, ringing the bell furiously.

Steve cursed under his breath, looking at Y/N, who was already on the brink of crying once again. "I'm coming!" He looked at her again, crouching down in front of her. "Baby, listen to me. I'll be right back. I need to deal with some customers and then I'll come right back. If you be a good girl, I'll even give you some ice cream." Y/N could only nod, whimpering when Steve ran out.

She waited and waited as he served the customers. What was actually five minutes seemed like an hour. Once Steve had returned with chocolate and caramel ice cream in his hand, he saw Y/N, curled up into a ball, crying softly.

Steve's smile dropped as he quickly ran over to her, "Sweetie, what's wrong? Why're you crying? See? I'm back." Y/N looked at him with red eyes. "S-Scared. Kids are meanies outside! A-And I miss Mommy!" Steve wanted to run over to the store Robin was in and yell at her to get back. But he knew that he couldn't do that.

He smiled, offering the ice cream to the little, who gasped and took it into her little hands. "Your Mommy should be here in twenty minutes or sooner, sweetheart. No need to worry, okay?" Steve talked to her softer than he ever had before. He hadn't even spoken to his other children like that, but he knew that Y/N needed it. 

So they spoke together as she ate her ice cream. Steve kept her distracted and happy, trying to ask her questions about herself to keep her occupied and busy. That was until Robin came back, carrying two grocery bags full of Y/N's favorite candies, snacks, and movies.

"Hey, baby girl!" Robin said cheerfully, grinning at her baby. Y/N gasped and stands up, running over to her. "MOMMY!" She cuddled into the crook of her neck, letting out little happy sighs. Robins set the bags down and picked Y/N up gently, kissing all over her face.

"Do you want to go home now?" Y/N nodded eagerly, giggling once again. Robin agreed, looking and Steve and smiling. "Thank you, Steve. Really. I owe you one." Steve took off his hat and bowed exaggeratingly, "It was my pleasure, m'ladies." 

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