Chapter One-Hundred-Nine

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Jealous Stan


Stanley didn't know what to do. Not only was he fuming, but he was also undeniably jealous. Bill sat on Richie's lap, giggling as the latter babied him, telling him how much he had missed him. Of course, Richie had Eddie, but that didn't stop Stan from nearing his breaking point.

Bill was supposed to be on HIS lap being babied by HIM, not just some random person. Even if Richie wasn't in the random person category, Stan still clenched his teeth, his tongue poking at his cheek, something he did when he was extremely mad or jealous. Much to his dismay, Bill seemed to play along, giggling and blushing, acting all cutesy like he did with Stan. The boy had slipped into little space not too long ago, and ever since then, the others hadn't been able to separate Richie from him. 

Stan would gladly separate them though. With a punch in the face.

With his blood boiling and steam coming out of his ears, he huffed and looked away, ignoring Bill's pouts. If that's how he wanted to play, then Stan would join his little game. "Daddy!" He whined, Richie bouncing the boy on his lap comfortingly. "Dada, w-wan cookies!" Bill loved cookies more than anything, so he was overjoyed when Richie stood up, rushing to the kitchen to bring him some cookies.

The boy squealed, clapping his hands, Eddie waddling over so that the two littles shared. Meanwhile, Stan glared at Richie. "D-Daddy, wook. Co-ookies!" Stan tsked, standing up to exit the room for a while, drinking a glass of water in hopes of soothing his beast within. "N-No Richie! S-Set me down!" Bill's screams were heard throughout the house accompanied by even more giggles. 

"My two best boys," Richie said, grinning widely. Stan stormed back in, separating the two, not being able to hold back anymore. He pushed Bill away harshly, causing the little to fall onto his bum. "You have your own fucking submissive. Don't act so lovey-dovey with mine." Richie was surprised and shocked at the accusation. "Stanley I-" "D-Daddy?" Bill whimpered, his eyes teary, hands stretched outward as he wanted to be picked up. Stan just glared at the little, "You're a bad boy, Bill." 

Bill's heart shattered as his arms fell limply. "N-No, baby g-good boy. B-Baby is not bad, baby good boy. D-Daddy's good b-bo-y." Eddie crawled over to the shaking boy, hugging him as he glared at Stan. "Slow down, Stanley. You don't tell your submissive that." "Stay out of it." Richie ignored him, kneeling down and holding Bill's hands gently. 

"Baby, are you okay? Daddy's just being mean, love. You're a very very good boy." Bill shook his head, tears flowing out of his eyes. "B-Baby bad boy." "Look what you did."

Stan kneeled down, picking his boy up. "No tears, baby. Stop crying. Daddy didn't mean to make you cry or act so mean. Daddy's just jealous that his one and only beautiful baby boy spent more time with Richie instead of him. Daddy loves you so much." Bill shook his head again, "B-Bad boy." 

Stan frowned, heart dropping. "You're not a bad boy. You're the best boy, always so polite and well-mannered. You're my good baby." Bill wiped his eyes, "W-Weally?" Stan nodded, smiling as he peppered kisses over his face. "I'm sorry, honey."

Richie burst out laughing, slapping his knee. "IWDAHDHDDHSAHHhahahahahhahahHAHAHAH! Dude, you were so fucking jealous, I cannot!" Even Bill and Eddie giggled at his laughter. "Ha. So funny. I suggest you get the fuck out before I kick your-" Bill pouted, making puppy dog eyes at the older. "-apple tree so apples fall down and we can eat them all together like a happy family."

"That2s what I thought," Bill said, putting away his secret weapons that h used to get what he wanted. 

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