Chapter One Hundred Five

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Requested By @EddieTozier12

The last thing Eddie had expected was to be woken up in the middle of the night by his boyfriend, Richie Tozier. He had been sleeping peacefully and enjoying a somewhat calm dream when he was woken up.

"Eddie! Eddie!" Richie yelled in a panicked tone, shaking his boy awake. Eddie looked around with tears in his eyes, waking up in little space. He was feeling terrified and very confused as to what was happening.

"D-Da?" He whispered, his eyes drooping. "No, no, no, don't you dare go to sleep, Eddie." Eddie whined, trying to pry Richie's hands off him. "N-No, daddy I sleep n-now," he said, pouting. "Edward, I told you to stay awake and be quiet."

"W-Why?" Richie covered Eddie's mouth, "There's an intruder inside, I need you to be quiet, baby." Eddie began to cry and whine loudly, thrashing around. He was awaken in the middle of the night with no explanation except for the fact that a dangerous intruder was inside of his and Richie's house. He had every right to cry, especially because he was feeling little.

"D-Daddy, get rid of t-the intwuder!" Richie wiped his tears away, picking him up from the bed. "Shh, baby, don't cry. Daddy will protect you, always." Eddie continued crying, hitting Richie's chest. "Baby go to intwuder and a-ask him to weave us awone now." He was about to get up and leave the room when he was sNaTched back into Richie's arms.

"No! You're not going out there." Eddie looked up at Richie with his innocent doe eyes, his lips pouty once again. "B-But baby pwotect daddy!" "No, daddy will protect baby. Now stay here, don't move an inch. Daddy needs to go out and check the house, okay?" Eddie crossed his eyebrows, "NO!" He yelled, stomping his foot.

"Eddi-" "I said no!" It was now Richie's turn to knit his eyebrows together, his hands on his hips. "If this wasn't a serious moment, I would have you over my knee, Edward." Eddie sniffled, rubbing his eyes, "Then go! I don't care!" Richie nodded, glaring at him, "Fine! Don't cry after me!" Eddie watched with a glare as Richie picked him up, putting him in the closet. "Don't move unless I tell you to."

He then shut the door and left the room, leaving Eddie alone to pout and throw a tantrum on his own. Eddie waited for what seemed like hours, glaring at the floor until a blood curdling scream made him jump. He quickly identified the owner of the scream, which made his blood run cold. Richie screamed bloody murder, Eddie standing up and running out of the room.

"Daddy?!" He yelled, running down the stairs. Richie was nowhere to be found. "D-Daddy!?" Eddie sobbed, his little body trembling. He then saw a body laying on the floor face first, a knife stabbing into his back as he laid in his own pool of blood. Eddie was frozen until he forced his legs to move. Sobbing and shaking, he kneeled down next to him, already know that the person was Richie.

"D-Daddy," he cried, pulling Richie's head onto his lap and crying. "W-Wake u-up," he stuttered, feeling his chest tighten. He choked on his own tears as he said, "I-If you wake up baby w-will give you kissies a-and hugs a-and nummies..." Richie still didn't move.

Eddie screamed when he saw a figure move in the distance, hugging Richie's body close. "D-Daddy, you pwomised t-to marry me. Y-You said we would h-have children. D-Daddy don't bweak your pwomise." Instead of fighting the intruder who was nearing closer, he continued crying, gently pushing Richie off. He crawled onto the floor and laid on it, crawling into Richie's chest and snuggling in. "I love you, daddy. I'll see you soon."

He screamed when Richie tightened his hold on him, "I love you too, precious." Eddie pushed him away, still shoOk. Richie chuckled as he pulled the "knife"from his back, wiping off the "blood" from his face. The "intruder" took his mask off, laughing his ass off and revealing himself as Lucas. Richie pulled his shaking boy closer, "April Fools," he said, making Eddie's blood boil.

He pushed Richie away and wiped his tears away. "You're sleeping on the couch. CLEAN THIS MESS AND DON'T TOUCH ME!" He then stormed upstairs and slammed the door shut. Lucas let out a little, "Shit, man. That was a major oof." Richie pouted, but still stood up. "It'll be worth the makeup sex though."

Three days later...

As predicted, the makeup sex was approaching. Eddie hadn't spoken to Richie for three days, too angry. But he had been missing his daddy. In little space, he waddled into the living room to watch cartoon when he stopped, noticing that Richie was watching a movie. Eddie stomped into the room and snatched the remote control, jumping onto the other couch and crawling as far away from Richie as he could.

"Baby, angel, little one, my pretty doll, bunny?" Eddie glared at the tv, ignoring the boy. "Would you look at me, baby? Daddy wants to speak to you." Eddie glared at Richie now, his lips automatically forming into a pout. "What?" He asked rudely. Riche stood up and pulled him onto his lap, kissing all over his face. "Daddy's very sorry, bun. He didn't mean to scare you that much. I'm very sorry." Eddie continued pouting. "I love you so so much and I still promise to marry you." Eddie cracked a smile after that. "Pwomise?" Richie kissed him deeply, stroking his soft cheek. "I promise, baby."

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