Chapter Fourty Three

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Richie loved when Eddie was handcuffed. He loved seeing him so vulnerable, his big, chocolate brown eyes looking up at him, flushed cheeks and glassy eyes. "R- Richie?" Richie snapped out of his trance, looking at his boy who was tugging at his shirt, trying to get his attention like a small kid. "W-Watcha doin?" Richie smiled and bent down slightly to kiss Eddie's cheek. "Just thinking, baby." "About?" Richie smirked, kissing Eddie's neck slowly, "just how great you'd look in handcuffs."

Eddie blushed like crazy. "O-Oh, um thank you?" Richie smiled against his neck, kissing it one more time. "W-We can try if you want..." Richie YHAED and asked Eddie, "are you sure?" "Yeah, I have a safword anyways so..." Richie picked Eddie up, kissing his closed eyelids as he kicked the door open softly, enough so that it would carry on opening. He placed Eddie onto the bed, rushing to lock the door quickly.

"Is-Is it hard to get out of the handcuffs?" Eddie asked curiously, his wide eyes making him appear even cuter. Richie held in a coo, instead smirking. "Only one way to find out, baby boy." He swung the handcuffs back and forth, Eddie's eyes following them. Richie sat down onto the bed, pulling Eddie on top of him.

Soon, the two began kissing, their kiss full of passion and love. WoAH heAted mAkiNg oUt. "Let's take this off," he mumbled across Eddie's lips, tugging at his pastel blue t-shirt. Eddie lifted his arms up, allowing Richie to take his shirt off. Richie laid Eddie down, crawling on top of him. He had two handcuffs in his hand, one to cuff each wrist to the head posts.

Richie gently took Eddie's right wrist and cuffed it to the post. Eddie looked at it, a bit scared. Richie cuffed the other wrist too, kissing Eddie's hand. "Cmon, wiggle around. Try it out." Eddie looked at his hanging wrist and tried to move them, but the cuffs held them in place. "Guess you can't escape now, can you, little boy?" Eddie blushed deeply. "N-No." "And I can do whatever I want to you, isn't that right?" He started to kiss down Eddie's chest, making his breath hitch. If it weren't for the handcuffs and something he could get out of, like ropes, then he would be enjoying this.

"R-Richie, I-" "That's sir or daddy to you, baby." "Richie I'm seri-" "Sir or daddy!" Eddie flinched. He was actually scared. He shouldn't have watched Geralds Game in little space because he was imagining scenarios like that. Like Richie dying, leaving him in handcuffs and a dead boyfriend. "P-Please let me go! I don't like this." Richie, being the stupid shit he is, thought it was all role-play. "Oh, so you're into that, hm?" He kissed Eddie's neck, a hand sliding down his chest.

Eddie felt like he couldn't breathe. Richie wasn't stopping. He was about to safe word when he realized that he couldn't speak. He tried to breath properly, choking, tears beginning to form in his eyes. Richie felt Eddie freeze, shaking. He looked up to see his poor baby boy with tears rolling down his cheek. He held his cheek, making Eddie start hyperventilating. "Baby! Shh, shh, I'm here, I'm sorry if I scared you. Hold on, try to breathe I'll be back with your inhaler."

Eddie sobbed even harder, "d-d-don't leave m-m-me with t-these o-on." Richie looked at Eddie's red wrists, breath hitching. He would apologize for hours but he didn't have time. "I'll be right back." He ran to the living room, the place where he had Eddie's little stuff and spare inhalers. He would've uncuffed him but he didn't want to risk being out of time by the time he did so. He ran back to see Eddie, sobbing his eyes out. "THE MOONLIGHT MAN IS GOING TO GET ME!" He yelled, Richie soothing him instantly as he put the inhaler in his mouth and pushed the trigger. When Eddie's breath turned steady, he unlocked his wrists.

Richie was confused. The name seemed familiar. As he finished uncuffing Eddie, he pulled him close to him, putting him on top of his lap as the small boy cried. "I'm so sorry, kitten. It's my fault, I'm so sorry. We will never use handcuffs again if you don't want to." Eddie sniffled, looking up at Richie with big, glossy eyes. "R-Rope is fine, b-but soft please." Richie kissed his cheek, "of course baby."

"Were you scared of me or the handcuffs?" "I-I was scared that what happened to Gerald would happen to you." It clicked. Richie sternly frowned at Eddie. "Edward. Do not tell me you watched a horror movie without me, and not only that, without permission?" It was a rule that if Eddie watched something scary he needed to have Richie with him and permission. Eddie whimpered. "And Gerald's Game? What were you thinking? That movie scared even me! And oh my gosh what if you were little?!" Eddie cowered back, whispering, "I-I was."

This pissed Richie off even more. "This will not go unpunished." Eddie began to shake. "N-No more b-bad things, d-daddy, ple-please." Eddie knew he had enough. Richie's eyes softened as he realized Eddie had slipped into little space. "You're right. Just this once, since it's your first time breaking this rule. And you went through so much, daddy is proud to have a brave baby boy with him. But next time not only with there be no TV for a week, you will be getting timeout, understood, little boy?" Eddie nodded quickly, "yes s-sir."

Richie kissed all over his face, smiling. "And I'm sorry, again. I just thought you were roleplaying since you didn't safeword. I'm sorry." "It-It was a mistake, dada. I trust that you won't do it again." "Good boy, baby. Let's get you all dressed up and ready for some lunch and movies. Not horror, of course." Eddie squealed, "yay! And brownies!" "Why the fuck not."

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