Chapter Eighty-Four

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Will's first punishment...

Will was usually a very shy boy, always good for Mike. But that day, the boy was a little moody, a little grumpy. A sad boy made a sad daddy. The boy was on the floor, smashing his blocks, cutting off his dolls hairs, being a "meanie." Mike was sadly watching Will throw his dolls to the wall, a pouty look on his face.

"Baby? What's wrong, why are you so upset?" Will stuck his tongue out at Mike, "Me weawize that Biwwy is mean!" He yelled, shocking Mike. "Why, pretty boy?" "H-He no gimmie a bwownie wh-when I wanted. He give to Stanny though! Me hate Biww!" 

Mike furrowed his eyebrows, pulling Will onto his lap. "Please don't scream, pumpkin. There's nothing to be upset about, daddy can make you some brownies." "Not the same! Biwwy makes em better!" 

Mike was offended. He was proud of his brownies. "That's not nice, Will. Please stop yelling too." "NO! M-Me w-wan-" "Did you just say no to me?" "Yes." Mike gave Will a stern look, but the boy spat in his face, Mike gasping at the disrespect. "William!" He gently pushed Will off him, wiping his face with his sleeve.

Calmly, he grabbed Will by the arm, pulling him up and dragging him to the bedroom. "Strip. You can keep your shirt on." Will was insecure about his body, and he didn't like taking his shirt off. 

Will began to cry. "Stop it and strip." Will listened, taking his shorts and underwear off. "I want you to sit on the bed and lift your legs up." Will did as he was told, silently crying. 

Mike pushed his legs back, grabbing a brush. "You're getting fifteen, no need to count." 

Then he began smacking Will's bum, the small boy whimpering every time it landed, having a difficult time keeping his legs up.

 Once the spanks were over, Mike lowered Will's legs, crawling over to his crying boy and holding him as he cried. "Shh, baby. They're all done. You're forgiven, daddy loves you so much." 

When his cries turned into sniffles, Mike asked again, "what's wrong, baby? You don't get upset over these things normally." Will sniffled, looking down, "I'm losing my friends." 

Mike held his hand. "I lost three of my friends, Jaime, Kris, and Chance because I got into a fight with Kris. I feel like a bad friend." 

Mike sneered, "Those three were trouble anyway. Did you know that they were caught doing drugs? I heard Chance was going to get help, I respect that but the other two don't want to stop. You're not a bad friend, you're a kind, loving boy. Anybody would be lucky to be your friend." 

He cupped Will's cheeks, kissing his cheek softly, the small boy smiling.

"Love daddy." "Daddy loves his baby too." "Go make me choco choco brownies." "But you sa-" "Me nu care, pwease." 

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