Chapter Sixty Nine

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Little! Bill Daddy! Richie

"Soup! I want soup!" Bill tried to yell with his strained voice, coughing afterwards. All night, he had been throwing up, coughing and shivering.

He was bound to his bed, not having enough energy to do anything that day.

Meanwhile, Richie had taken a day off work to take care of his bratty boy who was yelling out orders to him, acting as bratty as ever.

"It's cooking, baby. Be patient, it'll be over soon." Bill huffed, feeling sick and disgusting.

He was on his fourth cup of hot tea that day, thankfully not throwing that up.

His stomach was feeling better, so now they were going to try and keep the soup down.

Richie finished cooking the soup, pouring it into a bowl and placing that on a tray. He carefully entered Bill's room, placing the tray on top of his legs.

"There you go, honey bee. Some delicious tomato soup."

"Feed me!" Bill yelled, hurting his throat and voice even more. "Don't yell." Richie scolded, blowing onto the soup filled spoon. "Open wide," he said, feeding his baby his soup.

Bill moaned in delight, clapping. "Good!" He said, coughing even more. "Cover your mouth when you cough, sweetie."

Bill glared a him, coughing in his face purposely to try and annoy him.  

"Stop being a goddamn brat!" He yelled, flicking Bill in the mouth, who whimpered.

He then fed the quiet boy, feeling bad because Bill was sick and moody. "It's okay, baby. Daddy forgives you."

He caressed his flushed cheeks. Bill nodded, smiling a little before opening his mouth for more. He was very hungry, and the soup was amazing.

"Baby, do you want some more?" Richie asked, the bowl almost empty as he fed Bill more.

Bill's eyes widened as he spit the soup out onto Richie's face, the boy gasping. "William!" He yelled, ready to start spanking him as he forgot that Bill was sick.

Bill cried and kicked at him, running to the bathroom and throwing up, sobbing as he painfully emptied his stomach.

Richie ran after him, rubbing his back and holding his curls away from his face.

The two flushed the toilet, Bill crying. "I-I hate i-it! Hurt! I'm sowwy daddy!" Richie picked his sick boy up, placing him on the counter and opening a packet of a new toothbrush, brushing his teeth.

"It's okay, baby. Daddy's going to take extra care of you, and you'll be healthy again soon. Then you'll be able to kiss daddy all you want! Isn't that great?"

Bill sniffled, nodding and holding out his hands. "Wait, Bambi. Let me wash my face."

Richie washed his face and threw his shirt in the hamper, picking Bill up and putting him back on the bed, the two of them lucky that Bill hadn't gotten soup in the sheets.

Richie caressed his face and played with his hair, "it's going to be okay. Even daddy gets sick sometimes. He still loves his sick boy though." He said, kissing Bill's curls.

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