Chapter Twenty Six

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Do you gays wanna see some richie x will? Idek, I saw the ship on tumblr but it's so cute and stuff.

Angst Collage Reddie oops (inspired by that reddie tumblr story thing)
Richie and Eddie rarely fought. It was weird to see the two even argue. Sure, silly little playful arguments were common, but actual arguments were rare to see. Richie was working at starbucks, sharing a dorm room with his boyfriend Eddie who worked at Walmart. They both worked minimum wage jobs, however it was enough for them to keep the dorm, food, essential stuff. It was a bit easier to pay for collage as they both had hard earned scholarships.

Richie's shift ended early so he was home around six while Eddie was home around 7:30-8. It was rare when he came home to a clean dorm. He had talked to Richie about his complaints about him being lousy yet the curly haired, tall boy never really complied to his promises to keeping the place clean.

On a rather grumpy, sad, no-good day, Eddie had to stay late for his shift. He had to cover for his friend, which resulted in him getting yelled at, Richie calling him a few times, complaining about there being no food and for him to come early, angry and bitchy customers...It was taking him everything to not yell at everything and everyone. He was reddie to just smash everything.

By the time he got home, he was exhausted, angry and ticked off. It was 9:37, way passed his curfew . He had an exam tomorrow so he was originally planning on going to sleep earlier but that plan had failed once he saw the stacks on dishes left in the sink, the place a mess. Richie was on the sofa, napping, holding a pillow to his chest and nuzzling it, almost as if it was Eddie he was holding. The thought made Eddie smile slightly before his anger returned.

"What the hell, Richard?!" Richie woke up, startled. "Lookie here! Eddie Spaghetti is home! Let's go to bed, baby, I'm really tired." Eddie's face turned red, "Go to bed? GO TO BED?! With this place looking like shit?! You lazy ass, at least do the dishes! I'm sick and tired of doing everything around here!" Richie was shocked to say the least. "Hey, hey, Eds. Calm down. We can clean it right now?" Eddie was seeing red.  "Do you have any idea how tired I am? No! All you do is go around making white bitches their chocolate frappucinos while I actually do something for us! God, why are you so useless!?"

That really hit Richie. "O-Oh, sorry you feel that way." He was trying had to not cry as he hated crying in front of Eddie. "H-How about I clean them? You go sleep, you need to rest." "For fucks sake you know that you won't be able to clean shit. Useless! Stupid! Uh! Sometimes you make me go mad!" Richie was started to get really mad and upset. "Okay! Calm down, Eddie! You don't need to get so mad about something so small!" Eddie jabbed his finger into Richie's chest, slowly pushing him against the wall. "It's not my fault that you are so stupid. Worthless. Careless and messy! It would be so much easier if you just weren't here!"

Eddie regretted saying those as soon as the words left this mouth. The look on Richie's face said it all. A tear slipped from his eye, which was followed after another. "Richie I-" "Fine." Richie wiped at his tears, which broke Eddie's heart. "R-Richie, I-I'm sorry." Richie didn't' say anything, "I'm s-staying at Mike's tonight. I'll get my stuff tomorrow." Eddie's heart broke even more. He hurt his boy so much that he was leaving? "R-Richie please! Stay, let's talk it through."

Eddie tried to hug Richie but was harshly shoved off, "thanks but no thanks, I spent good enough being yelled at about how I was useless and messy." Eddie started crying, "I-I didn't m-mean it! I-I'm sorry! I d-didn't me-mean to hurt you!"  Eddie's chest tightened as he grabbed onto Richie's shirt, gasping for a breath. Richie's chest tightened at the sight. He knew he had to calm Eddie down first otherwise the boy was going to pass out from lack of breath.

"Okay, Eddie. Breathe first. I'm here, yeah? Just breathe, match my breath, love." Eddie shook his head, still crying, "I-I didn't mean to, p-please do-don't leave me, Chee, I-I love you." Richie pulled him in for a hug, "okay, baby. I won't leave you." He let Eddie cry into his shirt for about half an hour. Eddie was still exhausted and he was about to fall asleep any minute. "I love you too, Eddie." He finally allowed himself to sleep after hearing that.

Richie looked at Eddie, who was long gone, and reached in, kissing his forehead a few times. "Poor baby." He picked him up, smiling at him when he curled into him. "Cmon baby, let's go to bed. You need to have a good nights sleep for your exam." He put him to bed, kissing his cheek before quietly creeping out of the room.

He started off by cleaning the dishes, cleaning the place. After an hour or two, the place was spotless. Richie smiled as he went back to bed, taking his shirt off before he laid down. Eddie instantly cuddled up to Richie, clinging to him like a koala. Of course Richie didn't forgive him yet. Nope, but he had some great makeup sex in mind what.

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