Chapter One-Hundred Eleven

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Requested by Annie_Maria123


Richie screamed in terror, trying to hide from the evil entity in his house. The losers were out shopping and buying new toys for their boy. Bill wanted to surprise his baby when he was sleeping, but things hadn't gone according to plan. Richie had been woken up by a crash downstairs. Instantly, the little had cried and cried for his daddy and friends, but no one had shown up.

Little by little, he had seen hallucinations and scares caused by the clown creeping up on him. Little clowns had appeared in his room, all taunting him about how the losers would never love him and how his beloved daddy would soon slaughter him in his sleep. 

The little baby boy was close to having a heart attack when his closet door creaked open, revealing a disfigured and abnormally tall clown, grinning at him with yellow, crooked teeth. "Would you like a balloon, little boy?" Along with the other clowns, Pennywise's body limply floated towards him, the sound of bones cracking filling the room. 

Richie was on the floor, frozen in sheer terror. He couldn't move. The only thing he could think was his prayers to God that everything he was experiencing right now was a nightmare. "G-GO AWAY!" He screamed, sobs escaping his mouth. "YOU'RE DEAD! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD!" The only seemed to amuse the creature, who licked his painted lips with his snake-like tongue. 

"Was I ever alive, Rich?" He asked ironically, the burst into a fit of giggles, laughing like a lunatic. "N-NO, GO AWAY, GO AWAY!" Richie chanted until he no longer heard the taunts and chants on the clowns in his room, the crazy laughs that echoed in his room and felt the presence of the clown that had haunted him for years after his first encounter with it.

Slowly, he pried his eyes open and scanned the room with a blurry vision. The only thing he could see that was out of the ordinary, was a boy, close to his age. He looked a bit older, about nineteen, but had a pacifier in his mouth. He had piercing green eyes, orange hair, freckles and painted red lips. "D-Dada?" He innocently asked Richie. 

"W-Whew are oo?" Richie asked, slipping right into little space after such a traumatic moment. "Chawie," Charlie replied, grinning and giggling. As Richie crawled closer to observe the boy, Bill burst through the door, grinning at his baby. "Hi, baby," he cooed softly, picking his boy up and kissing his cheek. "I got you some presents. Do you want to open them now or after breakfast, darling?"

Bill failed to notice the other little until now. "Who's this?" "M' Chawie! Daddy dwoped me off here for a sweepover wif Richie!" He then giggled and clapped like a perfect little. "Oh, is that so. Nobody called me or told me about that, but I can't send a sweet boy like yourself home now, can I?" Charlie shook his head and pouted. Richie opened his mouth to tell Bill about Pennywise when he felt paralyzed. Like someone was manipulating his thoughts.

"If you want daddy to live, shut up," said a voice in his head. Richie froze, staring at Charlie, who smirked at the boy, his jade eyes glimmering. That was when Richie noticed how much he resembled Pennywise. Pulling himself out of little space, Richie knew what was going on. Pennywise WAS Charlie. 

Just as he was about to tell Bill, Pennywise, or Charlie began to whine, crying and sobbing. "I-I want waffles! P-Pwease," he cried with a pout. The other losers came in and cooed at him, picking him up and playing with him. "Let's make these two babies some waffles and pancakes," Ben suggested, playing with Charlie's hair. "Yeah!"

They left Charlie to play with Richie and left the room. Charlie's head turned 360 degrees, his eyes wide and crazy. "RICHARD," he hissed, his mouth opening twice the amount of a regular human. Richie whimpered and tried to get up, but wines began to wrap around his ankles and pin him down. Pennywise transformed back into his regular form and grinned.

"Let's play, little Rich."


The house was quiet. Too quiet. Quiet until the losers heard Beverly's screams for help when she went to check on the boys. The rest ran into Richie's room to find his old missing posters all over the wall with blood on them. Bill instantly began to cry and panic, screaming in agony. "NO! FUCK, NO!" He yelled, dropping to the floor. He noticed his little boy's glasses on the floor.

"B-Bill," Mike said, trying to keep calm. "It's back."


The losers packed and prepared, Bill grabbing his car and starting it, the others hopping in. With tears streaming down his face, he sped down the road and towards Its house. It didn't take long but it felt like years to him. As soon as he got there, he pushed himself out, grabbing his shotgun and butcher knife and running into the house. The losers yelled at him to stop, but he didn't even hear them.

Bursting into each and every room dauntlessly, he swung his knife without control. The losers then entered behind him, backing him up. "ASSHOLE, WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BABY BOY?" Even Pennywise flinched at his voice from his hiding spot. 

After searched for a few minutes, Richie was found in the tub, limp and cold. Beverly was the one who found him and yelled for the others, checking for a pulse and signs of breathing. When she felt both, Eddie and Stanley took him to the car to take care of him. "FUCKING CHARLIE, C'MERE LITTLE BOY. Come to daddy!" Even Beverly, Ben, and Mike were concerned. 

Pennywise dropped from the ceiling. That's when their fight began.

Meanwhile, Richie had woken up, shaking and crying on Stan's lap, hugging him. Eddie soothed his head, crying with him. "D-Daddy!" He screamed, choking on his tears and sobs. He wanted his daddy more than anything. Eddie and Stan couldn't tell him if he was okay or not, which scared the boy even more. It took them hours to get out of the house, Beverly passed out with blood soaking her curls, many bruises on her body.

Bill was clutching his eye and helping Ben carry Beverly, all four of them hurt. But they seemed happy. Bill put Beverly in the car and grabbed Richie, hugging him as if he would die any minute. "D-Daddy!" Richie screamed in joy, hugging him as if his life depended on it. "I love you so much,  baby. I'm never leaving you alone again, you hear me?" Richie sniffled and nodded, smiling weakly. "Where it?" He asked in a deeper voice, indicating that he was big again. "Gone, for good this time."

The losers drove home after a traumatic yet satisfying day. As promised, Bill didn't let Richie out of his sight, holding him for the rest of the day, kissing him and babying him through every minute. Richie wasn't even one to complain.

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